A free image hosting solution. It can be used to share pictures with friends, as well as post images on message boards and blogs. It can also be used to direct link images from your personal website or online auction. And best of all, it's completely free and no registration is needed.
How to upload an image...
1. Click the frog logo or the Upload link to be taken to the front page.
2. Select "Browse..." and find an image that you want to upload.
3. Select that image and press "OK"/"Open".
4. Then press the "Host it!" button.
5. After a short while (depending on your image size), you will see a number of boxes with links to your image.
6. Depending on your use for the image, select any one of those links.

Click to enlarge (PNG 543Kb)
For the above sample the link used is:
Code: Select all
Image Types Allowed: JPEG, JPG,PNG, BMP, TIF, TIFF, SWF
Maximum Image Size: 1024Kb
Related Topics
- Add ImageShack Hosting URL to Info Menu
Have fun with it!