Converting IMNET (IMT) Images

Discussions on GFL SDK, the graphic library for reading and writing graphic files

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Converting IMNET (IMT) Images

Post by Technogeek »

I'm trying to convert some old IMNET (IMT) Image Files to Tiff. When I attempt to read the files in VB6 using the following code I get an Unknown format error (-2147467259). I have confirmed that the file does open with a viewer that supports IMT file format but would prefer not to use that product since this is a one time conversion. I also confirmed that if I try to open a TIFF file it does not get an error. Is IMT image file format supported? Do I have to specify the type in the extension of the filename--I tried that but it didn't make a difference?

A portion of the code I'm using is:

Dim oGFL as New GflAx.GfAx

oGFL.LoadBitmap strFullPath
oGFL.SaveCompression = AX_G4
oGFL.SaveFormat = AX_TIFF
oGFL.SaveBitmap strNewPath

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Re: Converting IMNET (IMT) Images

Post by xnview »

could you send me a sample file?
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Re: Converting IMNET (IMT) Images

Post by Technogeek »

Unfortunately they contain sensitive data--medical records--so I can't provide a sample. Also there is no way to create new ones since that format is no longer created with the application being used to generate the images.
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Re: Converting IMNET (IMT) Images

Post by Technogeek »

Do you determine image format based on the contents of the file or the extension? If contents of the file would you mind sharing how you identify IMNET (IMT) image format files? I am just trying to confirm that the files I'm dealing with are really IMT format. If you have a sample IMT image file you can post I can double check that way also. Thanks!
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Re: Converting IMNET (IMT) Images

Post by xnview »

I have no IMT files