Categories on right-click/toolbar only half useful

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Categories on right-click/toolbar only half useful

Post by orbspider »

Did anyone notice that with the right-click or toolbar button categories list, the parent categories can't be added to files...

it only works for child (lowest) not parent categories, therefore I don't use it :?

but is it possible to make higher level entries buttons on a pass-through menu??
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Re: Categories on right-click/toolbar only half useful

Post by m.Th. »

Sorry, but I don't understand very clearly.

Can you put a screenshot with some arrows or something similar to show more precisely where and which is the problem?

(You know, what do you expect and what it is actually happening)
m. Th.

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Re: Categories on right-click/toolbar only half useful

Post by orbspider »

Oh sorry, here's a screenshot

notice: on the menu, from right click on a file or from the toolbar, there are parent categories and foallow-through child ones.

for me, I can only add a child category to a file using this menu method.

I would like to click on a parent category and add it but it won't

--- bottom pic: "animal" and "dog" are parent categories, and I can't add them to the file by clicking them, I can only add the lowest category "kudis"

---top pic: from the toolbar, "colours" is a parent category and can't be added, only the child ones can be.

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Re: Categories on right-click/toolbar only half useful

Post by m.Th. »

Oh, I see.

This is most probably a limitation for the menus engine. I don't know if Pierre can do something for it, but I know that it isn't very advisable to do it. Usually, users expect to just expand the sub-menu.

Usually, assigning the categories is done through the Categories Pane - press F9 to focus it if it is visible. If it isn't visible show it first through View | Data Pane | Categories.

By pressing F9 you can quickly type some letters from the name of category to find it and assign it. You can also assign a key or a shortcut for each category. There are many ways to improve the assignment workflow. Using the menu will be quite difficult if your category tree grows.

Perhaps you need to read the full documentation here: ... _XnView_MP
m. Th.

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Re: Categories on right-click/toolbar only half useful

Post by orbspider »

Hi, very useful tips, thanks. short cut keys for each category, wow!

Well, as there is now C-sets, that is definitely the way to go for keywording workflow. What I mentioned was a fact really, that menu item for categories doesn't perform too well, it only accomplishes less than half the job, and therefore could frustrate some one.

I doubt it can be turned fully functioning either, as that is the limitation of that kind of menu (unless the lowest level showed the parent levels as well, which could be added to files)



But if it is not going to be functional, is it really needed there on the menu?
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Re: Categories on right-click/toolbar only half useful

Post by m.Th. »

But if it is not going to be functional, is it really needed there on the menu?
Well... ...meh.

If it is there I will not fight to take it out.

If it wouldn't be there I would not fight to take it in. :)
m. Th.

- Dark Themed XnViewMP 1.7.1 64bit on Win11 x64 -