'Insert' ⯈ menu (eg in Settings>View>Info tab) has a lot of ungrouped items
Suggestion A
(blue - modified items)
group 'Insert' ⯈ menu
there is nothing bad 3 level menus when used for grouping
- menu will look cleaner
- it allows to navigate easier as menu will not be polluted with different UOMs
next step - group EXIF - Image menu
Suggestion B
there are too many ways to label 'Insert' button
unify progressive disclosure buttons
to Unicode symbol: (need to check which one looks better)
▸ (U+25B8) Black Right-Pointing Small Triangle
⯈(U+2BC8) Black Medium Right-Pointing Triangle Centred
› (U+203A) Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
» (U+00BB) Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
i would not use 3 level for something like site navigation dropdowns or often-use-items,
but here its fine as it provides more benefit (cleaner menu) than harm