1.6.3 (x64) Win 10: Favorites folder tree not updated when new folder created

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1.6.3 (x64) Win 10: Favorites folder tree not updated when new folder created

Post by mcam »

XnView MP 1.6.3 64 bit
OS: Windows 10 64 bit

With the favorites folder tree open in the left panel and showing subfolders, creating a new subfolder in the thumbnail panel on the right does not update the favorites tree. Similarly when deleting or renaming a subfolder.

To reproduce:
1. In xnview.ini, in the [Browser] section, set favShowFiles=true
2. In XnViewMP open the FAVORITES tab in the left panel
3. Navigate to any favorite folder
4. Click the > arrow next to this folder to display its subfolder tree
5. In the right panel, create a new subfolder of this favorite folder (press F7)
6. Note that the subfolder tree on the left is not updated

Expected behaviour:
Left favorites subfolder tree should update to reflect changes made in the right panel (as happens correctly when the left panel shows the FOLDERS tab instead of FAVORITES)

In the image, Subfolder 3 has just been created in the right panel, but the folder tree in the left panel has not been updated.
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Re: 1.6.3 (x64) Win 10: Favorites folder tree not updated when new folder created

Post by peterg91 »

Interesting this, same here.

How did you learn of this param, comparing versions or what?