0.83: Edit GPS: Altitude limited to 99.99

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0.83: Edit GPS: Altitude limited to 99.99

Post by rmtk »

On edit GPS dialogue, the maximum value of altitude is only 99.99, no larger number can be shown or writed to image.
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Re: 0.83: Edit GPS: Altitude limited to 99.99

Post by helmut »

Confirmed, a maximum of 99,999.99 should be possible. :bugconfirmed: (Two digits might be sufficient for the Netherlands but not for the rest of the world ;-) ).

(Note: I had 9999.99 first which would be sufficient in meters, but there's still the anglo-american meterin system with foot. Mount Everest is 29,029 ft).
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Re: 0.83: Edit GPS: Altitude limited to 99.99

Post by helmut »

Fixed in XnView 0.84.