How does Pathname search work?

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How does Pathname search work?

Post by Kei »

And is it a bug that the search with folder exclusion does not work when using catalog?

I search: Pathname:Contein (Subfolder) With or without Use Catalog.
I get the result >

Then I search:Pathname: Does not contein (Subfolder) Without Use Catalog.
I get the result >

But then I search:Pathname Does not contein (Subfolder) With Use Catalog.
Result. > No result.

Is that bug or is it intended? I have cernaine

I have a folder that has hundreds of files and several sub-folders that can contain thousands of files. In the root folder there are a couple of files with the category I need, also in some other folders there are also several files I need. But one of the subfolders completely contains files with the category I need, but I don't need files from this folder. Therefore, if I search only by category, then I will be given thousands of files I do not need. To do this, I need a Pathname search to exclude a folder, but it doesn't work when using a directory. This leads to the fact that the program has to check absolutely all files for several minutes.
The program can give me a list of all the files I need from the catalog, but it cannot exclude lines containing a certain word from this list.

It would be easier if I could at least copy the returned list, paste it into notepad, and delete the lines I don't need through regular expressions, and then insert the resulting list back into the program, but this is impossible.

I really hope this is a bug and shouldn't be.

But the reason why I am writing here, and not in a bug report, is not only because I am not completely sure whether it is a bug or not.

I don't understand how Pathname search works. Maybe understanding this alone will solve my problem.
It contains search options:
Is not
Is any of
Does not contain
Starts with

And if how Contains and Doesn't contain, I understand, and what the others are doing, I don't understand. These two options search by folder name, within the full file name.
Search: Pathname:Contein (Subfolder)
Result >

It is quite clear how it works.

Everything without a Catalog:

Search by Is:
D:\Folder\Subfolder1 > No result.
Subfolder1 > No result.
file > No result.

Search by Is not:
D:\Folder\Subfolder1 > Completely all files, even if the file is called 5555.jpg instead of file.jpg.
Subfolder1 > Completely all files, even if the file is called 5555.jpg instead of file.jpg.
file > Completely all files, even if the file is called 5555.jpg instead of file.jpg.

Search by Is any of:
D:\Folder\Subfolder1 > No result.
Subfolder1 > D:\Folder\Subfolder1\file.jpg
file > No result.

Search by Starts with:
D:\Folder\Subfolder1 > No result.
Subfolder1 > No result.
file > No result.

I searched by file name, folder name and full path to the file. Searching for the full file name would be strange.
The only concrete result was the third option, which returned only those files that were in the folder with the specified name. Analogue "Contains" with exact name. It is a pity that such an analogue with "does not contain".

If you perform a search using the first option, then even with an empty field, there will still be no results.

So how is this supposed to work?
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Re: How does Pathname search work?

Post by xnview »

:bugconfirmed: Thanks to your detailed description I can reproduce the problem.
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Re: How does Pathname search work?

Post by xnview »

This problem is supposed to be fixed in XnView MP 0.97.1. Please check and confirm the bug fix here.