1.4.2: "Edit comment" > checkbox "Use same text for description and comment" does remember its last state

Older bugs which are supposed to be fixed in 0.84. *** Please try to reproduce your bug and confirm the bug fix. ***

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1.4.2: "Edit comment" > checkbox "Use same text for description and comment" does remember its last state

Post by ThomasLandauer »

XnView: MP 1.4.2 64 bit
OS: Linux 64bit

When you have some JPEGs with "Description" and "Embedded comment", and the `descript.ion` file breaks (e.g. due to the bug viewtopic.php?f=95&t=44685), the "Edit comment" dialog window doesn't show the embedded comment anymore.

Effect: Unable to *edit* an existing embedded comment.

To reproduce:
1. Select all images in a folder, then Edit > Edit comment. Enter anything in the above textarea ("Description (stored in descript.ion file)"), then check "Use same text for description and comment". Click "Write all", then close the dialog.
2. Back in the file list, hit F5, and note that the file sizes are increasing (due to the embedded comment being written into them).
3. Close XnView and delete the `descript.ion` file. Alternatively, do batch rename, as this will break the `descript.ion` file (see the other bug).
4. Restart XnView. => The embedded comment is still shown in the "Comment" column of each file.
5. Hit Ctrl+D on any image.
Actual behaviour (bug): Both textareas ("Description" and "Embedded comment") are empty :bug:

Expected behaviour: Display the comment in the "Embedded comment" textarea.
My best guess to achieve this:

Code: Select all

if (Description === Comment) {
    // paste existing code here
} else {
    // Uncheck "Use same text for description and comment" and display the actual Description in its textarea, and the actual Comment in its textarea.
Workaround to get the text back again, to make it editable:
1. Uncheck the (still checked) "Use same text for description and comment".
2. Close the dialog (!)
3. Open it again (Ctrl+D) => Voilà, the comment is shown in the "Embedded comment" textarea.
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Re: 1.4.2: "Edit comment" > checkbox "Use same text for description and comment" does remember its last state

Post by xnview »

:bugconfirmed: Thanks to your detailed description I can reproduce the problem.
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Re: 1.4.2: "Edit comment" > checkbox "Use same text for description and comment" does remember its last state

Post by xnview »

This problem is supposed to be fixed in XnView MP 1.4.3. Please check and confirm the bug fix here.