1.90 English Translation / List of new strings

Bugs and Suggestions in XnView Classic which have been resolved

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1.90 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by helmut »

Below please find a list of strings that have been introduced in XnView 1.90 (1.90 is still in testing phase, 1.82.4 is the latest stable release).

As neither Pierre nor I are native speaker it would be good if a native speaker could check the translation for typos and wordings. Thank you.

Code: Select all

#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Tree_Pane                "Tree pane"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Preview_Pane             "Preview pane"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Folder                   "Folders"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Favorites                "Favourites"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Categories               "Categories"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Sh_Tree                  "Show\tCtrl+Shift+F"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Use_Tab                  "Use tabs"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_ExportWizard              "&Export...\tCtrl+Alt+S"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_Small_Toolbar             "Small toolbar"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Find_Similar             "Find similar files..."
#define TXT_NviewMenu_Fit_Video_Window          "Fit video to window"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Tags                     "Tags"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Tag_current              "Tag current\tCtrl+T"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Untag_All                "Untag all"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Show_Tags                "Show tag box"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Show_Rating              "Show rating/color"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_Export_IPTC               "Export IPTC data..."
#define TXT_NviewMenu_Export_EXIF               "Export EXIF data..."
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Rebuild                  "Rebuild thumbnails"
//#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Combine_Alpha          "Combine alpha/transparency"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Sh_Preview               "Show\tCtrl+Shift+P"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Tagged                   "Tagged files"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_Grid_Settings             "Grid settings..."
#define TXT_NviewMenu_AddOn                     "Plugin"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Remove_From_Category     "Remove from this category"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Remove_From_All_Categories  "Remove from all categories"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Rating_Coloring          "Rating && Color label"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Rating                   "Rating"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Unrated                  "Unrated\tCtrl+Numpad 0"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Uncolored                "Uncolored\tCtrl+Alt+Numpad 0"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Image_Width              "Image width"
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Image_Height             "Image height"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_Set_Back_Color            "Background color..."
#define TXT_BrowseMenu_Show_Recurse             "Show files in subfolders"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_Normalize2                "Normalize..."
#define TXT_NviewMenu_Align                     "Align..."
#define TXT_NviewMenu_Fit_Image_To_Window_Width_Variable  "Fit image to window width, var. height"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_Fit_Image_To_Window_Height_Variable  "Fit image to window height, var. width"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_EXIF_Thumb_Rotate_Left    "EXIF thumbnail - 90° left"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_EXIF_Thumb_Rotate_Right   "EXIF thumbnail - 90° right"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_EXIF_Thumb_Recreate       "Recreate EXIF thumbnail"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_Batch_Convert_Current     "Batch convert with current file"
#define TXT_NviewMenu_Slide_Current             "Slideshow with current file"
#define TXT_TreeMenu_Delete_Favorite            "Delete favorite"
#define TXT_TreeMenu_Rename_Favorite            "Rename favorite"

#define TXT_TemplateMenu_Page_Number            "Page number"
#define TXT_TemplateMenu_Page_Count             "Page count"
#define TXT_TemplateMenu_Tag_Status             "Tag status"

#define TXT_Menu_Delete_File                    "Delete this file"
#define TXT_Menu_Delete_Both_File               "Delete both files"
#define TXT_Menu_Delete_Selected_Files          "Delete selected file(s)"
#define TXT_Menu_Copy_Selected_Files_to         "Copy selected file(s) to..."
#define TXT_Menu_Move_Selected_Files_to         "Move selected file(s) to..."
#define TXT_Menu_Delete_Ref_Selected_Files      "Delete reference+selected file(s)"
#define TXT_Menu_Copy_Ref_Selected_Files_to     "Copy reference+selected file(s) to..."
#define TXT_Menu_Move_Ref_Selected_Files_to     "Move reference+selected file(s) to..."

#define TXT_TreeMenu_New_Category               "New category"

#define TXT_Close                               "Close"
#define TXT_Color                               "Color"
#define TXT_Yes                                 "Yes"
#define TXT_No                                  "No"

#define TXT_Efx_Select_All                      "Select All"
#define TXT_Efx_Unselect_All                    "Unselect All"

#define TXT_ExMovie_Number_Frame                "Number of frame(s):"

#define TXT_Use_41thumb_Folder                  "Show 4 thumbnails in folder's thumbnail (instead of 1)"
#define TXT_Option_Use_Dialog_To_Rename         "Use dialog to rename file"
#define TXT_Option_Use_Current_Folder_Video              "Use all image & video files in current folder"
#define TXT_Option_Use_Current_Folder_SubFolder_Video    "Use all image & video files in current folder and its subfolders"
#define TXT_Save_Options_In_User_Folder         "Save options in INI file in User folder"
#define TXT_Save_Options_In_Program_Folder      "Save options in INI file in Program folder"
#define TXT_Save_Options_In_Windows_Folder      "Save options in INI file in Windows folder"
#define TXT_Option_Rebuild_Embedded_Thumb       "Rebuild embedded thumbnail"
#define TXT_Auto_Play_Video_Sound               "Auto play for Video/Audio"
#define TXT_Option_Startup                      "Startup"
#define TXT_Option_Show_hexa_non_picture        "Show hexadecimal for non-displayable files"
#define TXT_Option_Windows                      "Windows"
#define TXT_Option_Tabs                         "Tabs"
#define TXT_Option_Recent_lists                 "Recent lists"
#define TXT_Option_Purge_now                    "Purge now"
#define TXT_Option_Buttons_displayed            "Buttons displayed"
#define TXT_Option_Open_all_selected_images     "Open all selected images"
#define TXT_Option_Use_color_based_format       "Use color based on file format"
#define TXT_Option_Border                       "Border"
#define TXT_Option_Quick_Slide_Show             "Quick Slide Show"
#define TXT_Option_Save_options                 "Save options"
#define TXT_Option_as_INI_in_folder             "as INI in folder"
#define TXT_Option_in_registry                  "in registry"
#define TXT_Option_Default                      "Default"
#define TXT_Option_View                         "View"
#define TXT_Option_Browser                      "Browser"
#define TXT_Option_Default_toolbar              "Default toolbar"
#define TXT_Option_Append                       "Append"
#define TXT_Option_Delete                       "Delete"
#define TXT_Option_Command                      "Command:"
#define TXT_Option_Icon_File                    "Icon file:"
#define TXT_Option_Icon                         "Icon:"
#define TXT_Option_Startup_Fullscreen           "Mode when starting with a file"
#define TXT_Sharpen_Thumbnail                   "Sharpen thumbnail"
#define TXT_Option_UseICC_Profile               "Use ICC Embedded Profile (JPEG/TIFF) - Very slow"
#define TXT_Default_Value                       "Default value"
#define TXT_Custom                              "Custom"
#define TXT_Option_Single_ESC_To_Exit           "Single ESC to exit (on start only)"
#define TXT_Option_Use_Folder                   "Use folder:"
#define TXT_Option_Folder_Used_Others           "Folder used for others files"
#define TXT_Option_Use_Transparency             "Use transparent index (<=8bits) or alpha channel"
#define TXT_Config_Use_ShellEx                  "Use XnView Shell Extension"
#define TXT_Option_Use_DB                       "Use database to store file information"
#define TXT_Option_File_Info                    "File info"
#define TXT_Option_DB_Info                      "Database info"
#define TXT_Option_Info_Link                    "Link"
#define TXT_Option_Info_Rotation                "Rotation"
#define TXT_Option_Info_Embedded                "Embedded thumbnail"
#define TXT_Option_Info_Tag                     "Tag"
#define TXT_Option_Info_Rating                  "Rating"
#define TXT_Option_Info_Color                   "Color label"
#define TXT_Option_Info_Category                "Has category"
#define TXT_Option_Rotation_Operation           "Rotation"
#define TXT_Option_Use_Lossless_If_Possible     "Use Lossless rotation when possible (JPEG)"
#define TXT_Use_Original_If_Smaller             "Create thumbnail from original image if embedded is smaller than thumbnail size"
#define TXT_DIR_Key2                            "Cursor Up/Down"
#define TXT_Option_Tree_Click_Rename            "Single click to rename"
#define TXT_Copy_Move_Use_Companion_File        "For Copy/Move use companion file (.xmp/.thm)"
#define TXT_Use_Fullscreen_Second_Monitor       "Use fullscreen on second monitor to previewing"
#define TXT_Option_Use_Estimate_Load_Quality    "Use estimate quality if possible"
#define TXT_Option_Use_Default_Tab              "Use default tab control"
#define TXT_Option_Keep_Data                    "Keep date/time for saving"
#define TXT_Scroll_Value                        "Scroll value:"
#define TXT_Option_Use_Label_Tab                "Use label in tab (please restart the browser)"

#define TXT_About_Edited_by                     "Edited by"

#define TXT_Slide_Play_Sound                    "Play Sound"

#define TXT_String_BAT_Files                    "Script export (*.bat;*.cmd)"
#define TXT_Cmp_Use_Tab                         "Use tab"

#define TXT_TreeMenu_New_SubFolder              "New Subfolder"
#define TXT_TreeMenu_Rename                     "Rename"
#define TXT_TreeMenu_Delete                     "Delete"
#define TXT_TreeMenu_Add                        "Add entry..."
#define TXT_TreeMenu_Sort                       "Sort entries"
#define TXT_TreeMenu_Edit                       "Edit entry..."

#define TXT_Iptc_Clean                          "Clean"

#define TXT_TimeStamp_Date_Change               "Change:"
#define TXT_TimeStamp_Set_To                    "Set to:"

#define TXT_Print_Printer                       "Printer"
#define TXT_Print_Name                          "Name:"
#define TXT_Print_Configuration                 "Configuration..."
#define TXT_Print_Multi_Page                    "Multi-pages files"
#define TXT_Print_Pages                         "Pages"
#define TXT_Print_Copies                        "Copies"
#define TXT_Print_Margins                       "Margins"
#define TXT_Print_Left                          "Left"
#define TXT_Print_Top                           "Top"
#define TXT_Print_Right                         "Right"
#define TXT_Print_Bottom                        "Bottom"
#define TXT_Print_Font                          "Font..."
#define TXT_Print_Insert                        "Insert >>"
#define TXT_Print_To                            "to"
#define TXT_Print_Page_Layout                   "Page layout"
#define TXT_Print_Vertical_Spacing              "Vertical spacing"
#define TXT_Print_Horizontal_Spacing            "Horizontal spacing"
#define TXT_Print_Header                        "Header"
#define TXT_Print_Footer                        "Footer"
#define TXT_Print_Use_Watermark                 "Use Watermark"
#define TXT_Print_degrees                       "degrees"
#define TXT_Print_Gamma                         "Gamma"

#define TXT_Iptc_Writing_Options                "Writing options"
#define TXT_Iptc_Combine                        "Combine new && current values"
#define TXT_Iptc_Overwrite                      "Overwrite all current values"

#define TXT_SeqConvert_Use_As_Delta             "Use above values as size delta"
#define TXT_SeqConvert_Decrease                 "Decrease"
#define TXT_SeqConvert_Increase                 "Increase"
#define TXT_SeqConvert_Follow_Orientation       "Follow orientation (switch W/H)"
#define TXT_SeqConvert_Only                     "Only"
#define TXT_Keep_Folder_Structure               "Keep subfolder structure"
#define TXT_Use_Original_Path                   "Use original path (as output)"

#define TXT_Thumb_Convert_JPEG                  "Convert always in JPEG format"

#define TXT_Adjust_Black_Limit                  "Black limit %"
#define TXT_Adjust_White_Limit                  "White limit %"
#define TXT_Adjust_Expansion_Limit              "Expansion limit %"
#define TXT_Adjust_Align_Percent                "Align %"

#define TXT_AskTitle2                           "Question"

// NviewExport
#define TXT_AdExportTitle                         "Export"
#define TXT_DCT_Method                            "DCT Method"
#define TXT_Smoothing_Factor                      "Smoothing factor"
#define TXT_Filter                                "Filter"
#define TXT_Compression                           "Compression"
#define TXT_Refresh                               "Refresh"
#define TXT_Color_mode                            "Color mode"
#define TXT_Subsampling_Factor                    "SubSampling factor"
#define TXT_Set_Transparency_Color                "Set transparency color..."

// NviewEfx
#define TXT_EfxTitle                             "Transition Effects..."
#define TXT_Efx_Effects                          "Effects"

// NviewGrid
#define TXT_Grid_Settings                         "Grid settings..."
#define TXT_Grid_Thickness                        "Thickness:"
#define TXT_Grid_Keep_for                         "Keep for previous/next file"

// NviewSimilar
#define TXT_SimilarTitle                          "Find similar"
#define TXT_Similar_Find                          "Find"
#define TXT_Similar_Method                        "Method"
#define TXT_Similar_Picture_Content               "Picture content (slow)"
#define TXT_Similar_Same_Filename                 "Same filename"
#define TXT_Similar_Same_Data                     "Same file data"
#define TXT_SimilarTitle2                         "Compare images..."
#define TXT_Similar_Next                          "Next>>"
#define TXT_Similar_Previous                      "<<Previous"
#define TXT_Similar_File_Size                     "File size:"
#define TXT_Similar_Date_Modified                 "Date modified:"
#define TXT_Similar_Filename                      "Filename:"
#define TXT_Similar_Similarity                    "Similarity:"

#define TXT_AskSaveTitle                          "Save changed file"
#define TXT_Save_Yes                              "&Yes"
#define TXT_Save_No                               "&No"
#define TXT_Ask_Apply_For_All                     "Never ask again"

#define TXT_Slide_Plugin                          "Plugin>>"

#define TXT_Width_Height_Is                       "Width/Height:"

#define TXT_String_Infos_Width                    "Width"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Height                   "Height"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Bits                     "# of Bits"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Color_Model              "Colour Model"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Dpi                      "Dpi"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Compression              "Compression"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Images                   "# of Images"

#define TXT_String_Infos_Creation_Time            "Created"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Access_Time              "Accessed"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Changed_Time             "Modified"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Bitmap_Origin            "Origin"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Comment                  "Comment"
#define TXT_String_Infos_File                     "File"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Image                    "Image"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Filename                 "Filename"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Categories               "Categories"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Keywords                 "Keywords"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Keywords_Categories      "Keywords & Categories"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Status                   "Status"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Origin                   "Origin"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Preview                  "Preview"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Video                    "Video"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Audio                    "Audio"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Frames                   "Frame(s)"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Length                   "Length"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Audio_Detail             "%dbits, %.3lfKhz, %s"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Properties               "Properties"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Format                   "Format"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Image_File_Size          "Image/File size"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Histogram                "Histogram"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Custom1                  "Custom 1"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Custom2                  "Custom 2"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Custom3                  "Custom 3"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Custom4                  "Custom 4"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Custom5                  "Custom 5"

#define TXT_String_Tooltips_Text                  "<Filename With Ext>, <Size> bytes, <Modified Date>||<Format>||<Width>x<Height>, <BPP> bits" // Be carefull, don't change text between <>!!!

#define TXT_String_Watermark                      "Watermark"
#define TXT_String_Layout                         "Layout"
#define TXT_String_Caption                        "Caption"
#define TXT_String_Picture_Series                 "Pictures collection"
#define TXT_String_PostCard                       "Post cards"
#define TXT_String_Visiting_Card                  "Visiting card"
#define TXT_String_Header_Footer                  "Header/Footer"
#define TXT_String_Print_DPI                      "Single - DPI"
#define TXT_String_Print_Custom                   "Single - Custom"
#define TXT_String_Print_Best_Fit_To_Page         "Single - Best Fit to Page"

#define TXT_String_Metadata_Changed               "Do you want to save your changes?"
#define TXT_String_Ask_Tagged_Files               "Tagged files will be used instead of selected files. \nDo you want to continue with tagged files?"
#define TXT_String_Rotation_Multipage_Problem     "This file contains more than one page/image, so it's not possible to rotate it."
#define TXT_String_Rotation_Unwritable_Problem    "This file use a non writable format, so it's not possible to rotate it."
#define TXT_String_Ask_Save_All_Pages             "Do you want to save all pages?"

#define TXT_String_Exif_Image_Width               "Image Width"
#define TXT_String_Exif_Image_Length              "Image Length"
#define TXT_String_Exif_Document_Name             "Document Name"
#define TXT_String_Exif_Image_Description         "Image Description"
#define TXT_String_Exif_Make                      "Make"
#define TXT_String_Exif_Model                     "Model"
#define TXT_String_Exif_Software                  "Software"
#define TXT_String_Exif_Date_Modified             "Date Modified"
#define TXT_String_Exif_Artist                    "Artist"
#define TXT_String_Exif_Copyright                 "Copyright"
#define TXT_String_Exif_Date_Taken                "Date Taken"
#define TXT_String_Exif_Date_Digitized            "Date Digitized"
#define TXT_String_Exif_User_Comment              "User Comment"

#define TXT_Iptc_Contact_Location                 "Contact location"
#define TXT_Iptc_Contact                          "Contact"
#define TXT_Iptc_User_Categories_List             "Defined categories list:"
#define TXT_Iptc_Open_File                        "Open text file..."
#define TXT_Iptc_Add_List_Auto                    "Add to list auto."

#define TXT_String_Format_Filter_None             "None"
#define TXT_String_Format_Filter_All              "All"
#define TXT_String_Format_Method_Slow             "Slow"
#define TXT_String_Format_Method_Fast             "Fast"
#define TXT_String_Format_Method_Float            "Float"
#define TXT_String_Format_BW                      "B&W"
#define TXT_String_Format_Greyscale               "Greyscale"

#define TXT_String_Infos_MP3Tags                  "MP3 tags"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Album                    "Album"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Artist                   "Artist"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Comment                  "Comment"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Genre                    "Genre"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Title                    "Title"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Year                     "Year"
#define TXT_String_Infos_TrackNum                 "Track num"
#define TXT_String_Infos_Estimate_Quality         "Estimate quality"

#define TXT_String_Thumb_Previous                 "Previous"
#define TXT_String_Thumb_Next                     "Next"
#define TXT_String_Thumb_Thumbnails               "Thumbnails"
#define TXT_String_Thumb_Page_Generated           "This page was generated by <a href=""http://www.xnview.com"">XnView</a>"

#define  TXT_String_Seconds_Remaining             "seconds remaining"

#define TXT_String_Rotate_Counter_Clockwise       "Rotate Counter Clockwise"
#define TXT_String_TB_Back                        "Back"
#define TXT_String_TB_Forward                     "Forward"

#define TXT_String_Efx_Scroll_Left_Right          "Scroll Left to Right"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Scroll_Top_Bottom          "Scroll Top to Bottom"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Roll_Left_Right            "Roll Left to Right"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Roll_Right_Left            "Roll Right to Left"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Roll_Top_Bottom            "Roll Top to Bottom"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Roll_Bottom_Top            "Roll Bottom to Top"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Door_Horizontal_In         "Sliding Horizontal Doors In"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Door_Horizontal_Out        "Sliding Horizontal Doors Out"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Door_Vertical_In           "Sliding Vertical Doors In"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Door_Vertical_Out          "Sliding Vertical Doors Out"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Bar                        "Bar"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Roll45RightDown            "Roll 45 Right Down"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Roll45RightUp              "Roll 45 Right Up"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Roll45LeftDown             "Roll 45 Left Down"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Roll45LeftUp               "Roll 45 Left Up"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Square_Row                 "Square Row"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Square_Column              "Square Column"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Blind_Vertical             "Blind Vertical"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Blind_Horizontal           "Blind Horizontal"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Box_In                     "Box In"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Box_Out                    "Box Out"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Plates_LeftRight           "Plates Left to Right"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Plates_RightLeft           "Plates Right to Left"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Plates_TopBottom           "Plates Top to Bottom"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Plates_BottomTop           "Plates Bottom to Top"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Iris_In                    "Iris In"
#define TXT_String_Efx_Iris_Out                   "Iris Out"

#define TXT_String_Similar_tooltips1              "Every picture pair gets a computed value,\n if this value is greater than the tolerance,\n then the pair is considered as similar."
#define TXT_String_Similar_tooltips2              "Search files with same filename..."
#define TXT_String_Similar_tooltips3              "Search files with same data..."
#define TXT_String_Similar_tooltips4              "Search pictures with similar content..."

#define TXT_String_Interface                      "Interface"
#define TXT_String_Operations                     "Operations"
#define TXT_String_Buttons                        "Buttons"
#define TXT_String_System_Integration             "System integration"
#define TXT_String_Integration                    "Integration"
#define TXT_String_Read_Write                     "Read/Write"
#define TXT_String_Thumbnail_Icons                "Icon info"
#define TXT_String_File_Operations                "File Operations"
#define TXT_String_Option_Normal                  "Normal"
#define TXT_String_Option_Fullscreen_Edit         "Fullscreen - Edit"
#define TXT_String_Option_Fullscreen_Browser      "Fullscreen - Browser"

#define TXT_String_User                           "User"

#define TXT_String_CSV_Files                      "CSV file (*.csv)"
#define TXT_String_XML_Files                      "XML file (*.xml)"

#define TXT_String_TabTitle_Categories            "Categories"
#define TXT_String_TabTitle_Rating                "All rating"
#define TXT_String_Rating                         "Rating"
#define TXT_String_Color_Label                    "Color label"
#define TXT_String_New_Favorite                   "New favorite"
#define TXT_String_New_Category                   "New category"
#define TXT_String_Label_1                        "Important"
#define TXT_String_Label_2                        "Work"
#define TXT_String_Label_3                        "Personal"
#define TXT_String_Label_4                        "To do"
#define TXT_String_Label_5                        "Later"

#define TXT_String_Map                            "Map"
#define TXT_String_Filter                         "Filter"
#define TXT_String_Image                          "Image"
#define TXT_String_Levels                         "Levels"
#define TXT_String_Black_Point                    "Black point"
#define TXT_String_White_Point                    "White point"
#define TXT_String_NormalizeEx                    "Normalize Ex"
#define TXT_String_Align                          "Align histogram"

#define TXT_String_Iptc_User_Keywords_List        "<Defined keywords list>"

#define TXT_String_Previous_Next_Frame            "Previous/next frame"

#define TXT_String_Fit_Image_To_Window_Width_Var  "Fit image to window width, var. height"
#define TXT_String_Fit_Image_To_Window_Height_Var "Fit image to window height, var. width"

#define TXT_String_WPanorama                      "Panorama"
#define TXT_String_WClipboard                     "Clipboard"
#define TXT_String_WCapture                       "Capture"
#define TXT_String_WContactSheet                  "Contact Sheet"
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Post by helmut »

Some things that I suspect to be wrong or which could be improved:

- "Use ICC Embedded Profile (JPEG/TIFF) - Very slow" > "Use Embedded ICC Profile ..."

- "Link" -> "Shortcut"
(in Tools > Options > Browser > Thumbnail > Icon info)

- "Rotation" -> "Automatic Rotation"
(in Tools -> Options > Browser > Thumbnail > Icon info)

- "For Copy/Move use companion file (.xmp/.thm)"
I think a clearer phrase should be found.

- "Script export (*.bat;*.cmd)" -> "Windows Script (*.bat;*.cmd)"

- "Use tab" -> "Use tabs"

- "Follow orientation (switch W/H)"
"Follow" sounds wrong to me. And "Swap" instead of "switch")

- "Picture content (slow)" -> "Similar picture content (slow)"
Not wrong, but all other phrases in the "Find similar files" dialog have "same" in it, so I think similar should be added.

"<Defined keywords list>"
Shouldn't it be "keyword list"?
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Joined: Sun May 15, 2005 6:31 am

Post by marsh »

These are typographical/grammatical errors (I'm only considering the visible parts on the right).

Code: Select all

#define TXT_Use_Fullscreen_Second_Monitor       "Use fullscreen on second monitor to previewing" 
Should be:

Code: Select all

#define TXT_Use_Fullscreen_Second_Monitor       "Use fullscreen on second monitor for previewing" 

Code: Select all

#define TXT_Option_Folder_Used_Others           "Folder used for others files"
Should be:

Code: Select all

#define TXT_Option_Folder_Used_Others           "Folder used for other files"
helmut wrote:Some things that I suspect to be wrong or which could be improved:
- "Use tab" -> "Use tabs"
Right. That is part of compare dialog.
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Post by helmut »

Thank you for your corrections, marsh.

What do you think about my above suggestions? Are these correct?
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Post by marsh »

helmut wrote:Thank you for your corrections, marsh.

What do you think about my above suggestions? Are these correct?
I'm still absorbing them. I'm a bit slow this time of year. :P
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Post by helmut »

marsh wrote:I'm still absorbing them. I'm a bit slow this time of year. :P
O.k., please take your time - I didn't want to rush you. Just wanted to make sure that my suggestions are confirmed by a native speaker. This might be you, marsh, or anyone else.
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Post by marsh »

I only speak Am., nor Br. (proper?) English. :)
- "Use ICC Embedded Profile (JPEG/TIFF) - Very slow" > "Use Embedded ICC Profile ..."
Your suggestion looks better. Do you think the word "Embedded" adds much to the understanding of the function?
- "Link" -> "Shortcut"
(in Tools > Options > Browser > Thumbnail > Icon info)
I prefer "Link"- the icon of a shortcut (which seems to be the whole thumbnail in this case).
- "Follow orientation (switch W/H)"
"Follow" sounds wrong to me. And "Swap" instead of "switch")
I like "Swap" also.
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Post by Olivier_G »

marsh wrote:
"Use ICC Embedded Profile (JPEG/TIFF) - Very slow" > "Use Embedded ICC Profile ..."
Your suggestion looks better. Do you think the word "Embedded" adds much to the understanding of the function?
ICC profile is the right technical term. "Embedded" makes it clear that it's the embedded ICC profile that is used and not what is indicated in the EXIF.

So "Use embedded ICC profile" seems the best to me.
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Post by helmut »

Olivier, marsh, thank you for your feedback.
marsh wrote:
- "Link" -> "Shortcut"
(in Tools > Options > Browser > Thumbnail > Icon info)
I prefer "Link"- the icon of a shortcut (which seems to be the whole thumbnail in this case).
In the setting you decide whether you want to see an info symbol for shortcuts or not. So I think the label should be "Shortcut" (and not Link).
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Re: 1.90 English Translation / List of new strings

Post by XnTriq »

helmut wrote:- "For Copy/Move use companion file (.xmp/.thm)"
I think a clearer phrase should be found.
How about “Include companion file (.xmp/.thm) when copying/moving images”...
helmut wrote:- "Follow orientation (switch W/H)"
"Follow" sounds wrong to me. And "Swap" instead of "switch")
... and “Swap W/H according to orientation”?

Shouldn't it be “Multi-page files” instead of “Multi-pages files” (#define TXT_Print_Multi_Page), and “Use estimated quality if possible” instead of “Use estimate quality if possible” (#define TXT_Option_Use_Estimate_Load_Quality)?

I also found a few minor inconsistencies in the usage of uppercase/lowercase and latin-derived spellings:
  • #define TXT_Efx_Select_All ....... "Select All" » "Select all"
    #define TXT_Efx_Unselect_All ... "Unselect All" » "Unselect all"
  • #define TXT_String_Infos_Dpi ... "Dpi" » "DPI"
    #define TXT_String_Print_DPI ... "Single - DPI"
  • #define TXT_String_Infos_Color_Model ... "Colour Model" » "Color model"
    #define TXT_Color_mode ......................... "Color mode"
  • #define TXT_BrowseMenu_Favorites ... "Favourites" » "Favorites"
    #define TXT_String_New_Favorite ....... "New favorite"
Wikipedia wrote:Exchangeable image file format (official abbreviation Exif, not EXIF) [...]
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Post by helmut »

For some reason I haven't seen your post, XnTriq. I think most things you mentioned should be corrected. I'll give more feedback later.

One thing that is wrong for sure:

"Be carful, saving in this format will lo*o*se existing metadata!".

Not sure about the English used, but "lose" should be definitely be "loose".
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Lose, lost,lost

Post by Clo »

• Hi !

• Lose is correct. The metadata will be lost.

• Loose means "escape" (and a mountain of other meanings), I don't think that the data will escape by themselves…

:mrgreen: G.
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Re: Lose, lost,lost

Post by Anon »

Clo wrote: • Loose means "escape" (and a mountain of other meanings)
Where did you find this???
Also where did you find the expression "mountain of" to mean "lots of" (I guess)?
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Post by Clo »

:) Hello!

Oxford's dic.
II adjective
1 literal (not firm or tight) [knot, lace, screw] desserré; [nail, handle] branlant; [joint] lâche; [component, section] mal
fixé; [button] qui se découd; [thread] décousu; [tooth] qui se déchausse; to come ou work loose [knot, screw]
se desserrer; [brick, handle] être branlant; [nail] lâcher; [tooth] se déchausser; to work [sth] loose desserrer
[rope, knot, screw, fixture]; dégager [nail, post]; desceller [brick, bar]; to hang loose [hair] être dénoué; [rope,
reins, thread] pendre; hang loose[!]! US détends-toi!; loose connection electricity faux contact;
2 (free) [animal] échappé; the bull's loose le taureau s'est échappé; to break loose [animal] s'échapper (from
de); figurative rompre (from avec); to cut sb loose détacher qn; to roam ou run loose courir en liberté; to
let ou set ou turn loose libérer [animal, prisoner]; he let the dogs loose on me il a lâché les chiens sur moi; I
wouldn't let her loose on a classroom je ne la laisserais pas seule face à une classe; I wouldn't let first
year students loose on Joyce! je ne ferais pas lire Joyce aux étudiants de première année!; to let loose
with criticism/insults critiquer/insulter sans retenue;
3 commerce (not packed) [tea, tobacco, sweets, vegetables] en vrac; we sell envelopes loose nous vendons les
enveloppes au détail; just put the apples in the bag loose mettez donc les pommes à même le sac or
directement dans le sac; loose change petite monnaie;
4 (that has come apart) [card, page] volant; [stone, fragment] détaché; a loose sheet of paper une feuille volante;
these pages have come loose ces pages se sont détachées; loose rust/paint rouille/peinture friable; ‘loose
chippings’ GB, ‘loose gravel’ US (roadsign) ‘attention gravillons’;
5 (not close-fitting) [dress, jacket, trousers] ample; [fold, waistband] large; [collar] lâche; (flaccid) [skin] flasque; [muscle]
6 (not compacted) [soil] meuble; [link, weave] lâche; [structure] lâche; [association, alliance] vague; to have loose
bowels avoir la diarrhée; loose maul (in rugby) mêlée ouverte;
7 (not strict or exact) [translation, version] assez libre, approximatif/-ive; [wording] imprécis; [interpretation] assez
libre, large; [guideline] vague; [discipline, style] relâché; loose talk propos mpl inconsidérés;
8 (dissolute) [morals] dissolu, relâché; loose living (vie f de) débauche f;
9 (spare) [cash, funds] disponible.
III transitive verb literary
1 (release) libérer;
2 (shoot) tirer [arrow].

to be at a loose end GB,
to be at loose ends US être désœuvré, ne pas trop savoir quoi faire;
to tie up the loose ends régler les derniers détails;
to have a loose tongue ne pas savoir tenir sa langue.

• loose off (shoot) tirer (at sur);
¶ loose off [sth], loose [sth] off décharger [gun]; tirer [arrow, shot]; décocher [abuse, insults].
• Just choose…

• Same dic.
mountain / "maUntIn, US -ntn /
I noun literal montagne f; figurative montagne f, monceau m (of de); in the mountains à la montagne; a mountain
of debts une montagne de dettes; I've got mountains of work to do j'ai énormément de travail à faire;
meat/butter mountain economy excédents mpl de viande/de beurre.
- So, means too "a lot", a big quantity-…

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Post by Troken »

helmut wrote:"Be carful, saving in this format will lo*o*se existing metadata!".

Not sure about the English used, but "lose" should be definitely be "loose".
I'm afraid that lose seems to be correct, after looking through some dictionarys. Spontaniously I'd choose loose aswell, but I stand corrected.
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