When we can expect the first beta of XnView 1.90 for Linux?

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When we can expect the first beta of XnView 1.90 for Linux?

Post by raducoc »

The version 1.90 of XnView has just released. I dont want to bother you very much but you has promised: after the final release of 1.90 Windows version will begen to develop also the Linux and OSX ones. We are so impatiently to test and report the bugs from the first beta. When we can expect to this to become true?

And if you are still searching for a multiplatform SDK for developing XnView for Linux and OSX, please check this: http://www.fox-toolkit.org/
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Re: When we can expect the first beta of XnView 1.90 for Lin

Post by xnview »

raducoc wrote:The version 1.90 of XnView has just released. I dont want to bother you very much but you has promised: after the final release of 1.90 Windows version will begen to develop also the Linux and OSX ones. We are so impatiently to test and report the bugs from the first beta. When we can expect to this to become true?

And if you are still searching for a multiplatform SDK for developing XnView for Linux and OSX, please check this: http://www.fox-toolkit.org/
Thanks but the toolkit will be QT :-), sorry for the delay but i had a lot of work on 1.90 windows!
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the virtue of patience

Post by adesigninteractive »

Again, thank you so much for your steadfast, and incredible accomplishments in XnView for Windows.

Just to remind you, however :wink: i too will be grateful to receive an updated XnView for Linux (Fedora Core 5). You're the only thing that can preview PSD's, TIFF, and everything--- even XCF's!! what is it that You have that the other guys don't have? :wink:
i just don't understand why, for example, Kuickshow, DigiKam, GThumb, etc-- none of them will thumbnail preview a .PSD -- and i believe only Kuickshow will view a PSD. not to mention the TIFF. i cringe every time i have to use the GIMP -- i'd much prefer to make certain files using XnView. thankfully, Fireworks 8 works under WinE... but the ICO format isn't available there...
(blah, blah...)

Would you have a "Wish-List"? it doesn't matter-- i'm sure you know what it does and does not need for xnview - linux. you obviously know makes the best viewer/ browser already.
Have a go at these texts featuring graphics and imaging, please.
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XnView 1.9 in WinE - Windows Emulator - FABULOUS!

Post by adesigninteractive »

I am ecstatic!!

Upon first testing XnView here in Fedora Core 5, under WinE -- it seems to run quite, very well!!

I love it better than XnView for Linux already! i can do everything i wanted, so far. (see screen capture)

i've viewed, and browsed a PSD directory-- and the editing done to the screencap was done in xnview-- what a snap! awesome. totally awesome.

(sorry-- i feel like a real geek for freaking out like that, but it's pretty cool to have the convenience now! and i wanted to get the message across of how happy a user such as myself is by the results of your hard work)

Have a go at these texts featuring graphics and imaging, please.
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Re: XnView 1.9 in WinE - Windows Emulator - FABULOUS!

Post by raducoc »

adesigninteractive wrote:I am ecstatic!!
I love it better than XnView for Linux already! i can do everything i wanted, so far. (see screen capture)
Me, too.
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Post by adesigninteractive »

hey there-- everything as i said is working great, however, i want to log something for other Linux users who have perhaps tried this method and encountered problems w/ the "settings" or "bookmarks" saving after close.

i don't know what i did to cause the fault-- it's possible that it happened when i switched Toolbar themes (so i recommend avoiding that), but after the first few times (obviously after my post above), i lost the ability to save settings and bookmarks. i solved the problem by launching as root, applying all of the settings that i wanted, and a few of my favourite folders for the bookmarks and the, first going to the "root" verstion of the same file to copy the contents, i pasted it into (deleting the old) at:
/home/myname/.wine/drive_c/windows/profiles/myname/Application Data/XnView/xnview.ini

/home/myname/.wine/drive_c/windows/profiles/myname/Application Data/XnView/bookmark.ini
(obviously, opening these files in a text editor allows for manual editing)

IN DEFENSE of the XnView-Linux development project, I must concede that XnView Linux is CONSIDERABLY FASTER for certain tasks.
For example, using several full-screen captures, i recorded the lot of my TrueType Fonts, using AMP Font Viewer (another WinE amp [sorry linux dev's, but it rocks too!]). I found that XnView-WinE took a considerable time to Update after cropping, saving "over" the oirg file. XnView - Linux, however, performed this task almost instantly, and does move faster from image to image, in view-mode. I conclude that it's nice to be able to use them both-- and i'm now more eager for the XnView - Linux update. :wink:

thanks again for the wonderful, useful software.
Have a go at these texts featuring graphics and imaging, please.