• I spent “some days” to draw new skins as “Medals” for those having large screen and high definitions…
- It's available HERE as a RAR archive.
• There are a few extra *.ICOs for commands having no pattern on the bitmap.
- Please, test it if possible, personally I can't get the <main32.bmp> working properly,
the transparency is shown when opening the file in XnView and else, but it's black when used for the tool-bars…
• There is an empty “wildcard” .ICO with which one can draw any missing one.
- Or else, just ask for, I'll draw missing icons if¦as requested.
Last edited by Clo on Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
Old user ON SELECTIVE STRIKE till further notice •
•Below, how it looks on the screen (start-up View) :
• The patterns (split into three ranks…) :
• Note :
- That skin is mainly designed for French speaking users, because a wording issue about the “Clipboard”.
- That leads to meaningless patterns using the English object, while the French corresponding one is a paperweight.
- I assume there is also that kind of issue in German (?).
Last edited by Clo on Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Old user ON SELECTIVE STRIKE till further notice •
- The skin is named “Medals”, but nothing against for a language matching version, i.e. German ?
- Indications welcome !
• I drew also a small browser bar with matching patterns, but as 25² each, 16² is really too small…
#0 #10
• Should it be so difficult to allow larger icons for the browser bar ?
- I suggested this ages ago, unsuccessfully…
Last edited by Clo on Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
Old user ON SELECTIVE STRIKE till further notice •
• To complete that series, I draw the last-but-one skin dedicated to Ladies and Misses.
- Below, a preview on the screen, the patterns and the JPG-bar :
• Available to download HERE.
- The package contains also extra *.ICO 32 BPP as usual. Just ask for some missing ones you'ld need, I'll draw them…
Last edited by Clo on Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Old user ON SELECTIVE STRIKE till further notice •
• There is no problem from my side, the previews are alright @ my Web site, but for some days the forum is randomly "tired"
- So, when the pics are "missing" >> Right-click >> Display Image or so (for us "Afficher l'image").
- BTW, you can get all downloads from my page (no preview, but this full series though).
Old user ON SELECTIVE STRIKE till further notice •