Can you use Back/Forward buttons on mouse in Browser Window

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Can you use Back/Forward buttons on mouse in Browser Window

Post by Tex »

I own an MS Mouse that has two extra buttons for the thumb. In Internet Explorer they came in very handy as a back and forward button.

Is there a way to get these to work in XnView Browser Window to go back and forwards between the folders you have been too?

Thanks in advance and sorry if this has been previously discussed. I looked but could not find any reference.

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Post by Dreamer »

Strange, it really doesn't work, it should - a bug?? :bug:

You can use the HotkeyP as workaround, more here.

Post by MXM »

What's the status on this atm? Is this only the problem with MS mices, or is it not a feature at all?

I have MS Explorer 3.0 with those thumb buttons, and they do nothing unfortunately. I'd really like to both browse and zoom only by using mouse.

Yes, it's possible with HotkeyP, but that's yet another program that has to run constantly just to perform this tiny task, I'd rather have the viewer itself do it.
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Re: Can you use Back/Forward buttons on mouse in Browser Win

Post by jis »

Tex wrote:I own an MS Mouse that has two extra buttons for the thumb. In Internet Explorer they came in very handy as a back and forward button.

Is there a way to get these to work in XnView Browser Window to go back and forwards between the folders you have been too?
It isn't bug, because side buttons aren't supported:

But it will be really handy to have possibility to assign various functions to side buttons on mouse.
I use the latest XnView version in the Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center.
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Post by Dreamer »

Hmm... These buttons are standard in Windows, so perhaps it might be considered as a bug.
But it will be really handy to have possibility to assign various functions to side buttons on mouse.
Yes, it would be useful.

As I said, you can use the HotkeyP. I use the mouse shortcuts (side buttons+other buttons/wheel) to toggle windows, back/forward, change volume, mute, select all, copy, paste and go... And these are just the global shortcuts.
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Brother Gabriel-Marie
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Post by Brother Gabriel-Marie »

Forward and Back Buttons! Well, I want those buttons too - but I have a normal mouse (two buttons and a wheel). I just want to be able to click the forward and back buttons to navigate the whole folder in the Browser window. Right now I have to go and click the folders in the treeview or else use the "up folder" in the Browser window. FreeCommander has forward and back buttons - a sort of "history." I think this would be nice for XnView.
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Post by xnview »

Brother Gabriel-Marie wrote:Forward and Back Buttons! Well, I want those buttons too - but I have a normal mouse (two buttons and a wheel). I just want to be able to click the forward and back buttons to navigate the whole folder in the Browser window. Right now I have to go and click the folders in the treeview or else use the "up folder" in the Browser window. FreeCommander has forward and back buttons - a sort of "history." I think this would be nice for XnView.
You have them in the little toolbar

Post by Guest »

In the little Browser toolbar next to the address bar? I don't think I've ever had them. I have looked every in XnView and can't find any option or command to locate them. I have XnView 1.94.2 for Windows (XP Pro).
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Outdated skin ?

Post by Clo »

:arrow: Guest

:) Hello !

• Like Pierre says above, the Next >><< Previous visited folder buttons are alright on the small too-bar…

- They are shown as the first and second at left [Prev.] [Next]. You must visit at least two sub¦folders to get one active,
or else both remain greyed out
• They could be missing whether you are using an outdated skin…
- Please, check in the skin current folder about the <browser.bmp> image,
it must contain eleven (11) patterns (16² each = total width 176 pixels).

• If it's only 144 pixels, it's outdated. You must have too :
version = 3
at least, currently, it's:
version = 4
for the newest skin version (1.95…)

:mrgreen: KR
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Post by Clo »

:arrow: jis

:) Hello !
…But it will be really handy to have possibility to assign various functions to side buttons on mouse.
• Please, have a look at THIS MESSAGE (the third image, about short cuts…) ;)

:mrgreen: KR
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Re: Can you use Back/Forward buttons on mouse in Browser Window

Post by g1zmo »

I just wanted to second this request.

I too have a (Labtec) mouse with a back/forward button on each side (back on the thumb side, forward on the pinky side). I've gotten so used to the feature working in Explorer, Firefox, IE, etc. that I constantly hit the back button on the mouse, expecting to go back to the previous folder. I didn't have to modify any settings anywhere, and I didn't install any special software that came with the mouse. It just always worked from the beginning in those other apps, so it must be something that Windows makes available to applications.
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Re: Can you use Back/Forward buttons on mouse in Browser Win

Post by ukulele »

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Re: Can you use Back/Forward buttons on mouse in Browser Win

Post by ShrapNull »

I know this thread is old, but I have found a solution in a small autohotkey script I wrote. For anyone who doesn't know about autohotkey, it is very easy to use.

Create a new autohotkey script, then right click it & edit the script. Paste the following 3 lines at the bottom and save. Then double click on the file.

Code: Select all

#IfWinActive ahk_class XmainClass 
XButton1::PostMessage, 0x111, 335, 0, , XnView
XButton2::PostMessage, 0x111, 336, 0, , XnView

Please let me know if this helps anybody.
If anyone needs any further assistance I am happy to help

You can download autohotkey from - the first download link for autohotkey_L is fine.