A couple users of one on my programs (Histogrammar), using GFL SDK VERSION 2.70, are recently experiencing problems after their XP machines seem to have been updated.
I attach 2 of these screens since I have no means to know the exact Sdk function that crashes, but seems to be something happening when the picture must be displyed into the program form involving 8-bit images GflAx functions. I also include the complete Showimage routine which is one of the points that produces the error, indicating the SDK functions used.
Do you have any idea what could be happenning? Updating the SDK could solve this? could the users update their SDK without installing again the program?
Code: Select all
Sub ShowImage(sRuta As String)
Dim MAXX As Integer
Dim MAXY As Integer
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, iMaxX As Integer, iMaxY As Integer
Dim rRatio As Double
Dim MyObjPreview As GflAx.GflAx ' Imagen de 8 bits para representarla (gamma)
On Error GoTo ShowImage_Error
SetAction "Displaying image..."
Set MyObjPreview = New GflAx.GflAx
MyObjPreview.LoadBitmap (sRuta) ' Cargamos en MyObjPreview el fichero que haya en la ruta
MAXX = frmPrincipal.pctImagen.ScaleWidth
MAXY = frmPrincipal.pctImagen.ScaleHeight
Select Case iAdjust
Case 1
lWidth = MyObjPreview.Width
lHeight = MyObjPreview.Height
rRatio = lWidth / lHeight
If rRatio > MAXX / MAXY Then
iMaxX = MAXX
iMaxY = Int(MAXX / rRatio)
iMaxX = Int(MAXY * rRatio)
iMaxY = MAXY
End If
MyObjPreview.Resize iMaxX, iMaxY
Case 2
MyObjPreview.Resize MAXX, MAXY
End Select
MyObjPreview.Gamma (2.2 / rGamma)
Set frmPrincipal.pctImagen = MyObjPreview.GetPicture
Set MyObjPreview = Nothing
Exit Sub
MostrarError ("ShowImage")
Resume ShowImage_Resume
End Sub
Best regards and thank you.