Usability: Unified Label Interface

Ideas for improvements and requests for new features in XnView Classic

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Usability: Unified Label Interface

Post by JohnFredC »

XnView offers users several different opportunities to define and display custom labels.

We can customize the labels that appear beneath thumbs in the browser, the texts that appear in tool-tips, that overlay the image in full screen mode, and that appear with the image when it is printed.

This is great, but there is no simple method (beyond typing the label over again) to define the same label for all circumstances. Furthermore, there is no method to name, save and apply different label layouts for different circumstances. All labels must be re-typed over the previously typed labels (or copied/pasted).

Please consider unifying the XnView interface into the label system so that a previously defined label may be used again anywhere we choose for it to, without having to redefine (uh, re-enter) it. A key feature would be the ability to save a defined label to a file from one location in XnView (say, from the thumbnail label dialog) , then restore it from the file into another location in XnView (such as to the print dialog).

Thanks for listening!
Last edited by JohnFredC on Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Usability: Unified Label Interface

Post by xnview »

So something to save/load label info?
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Re: Usability: Unified Label Interface

Post by JohnFredC »

So something to save/load label info?
Yes (please)! Buttons on each dialog where a label may be defined.