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transparent background to desktop
Moderators: XnTriq, helmut, xnview
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Sat Sep 11, 2010 8:43 pm
transparent background to desktop
I have a png file on a Mac how do I keep the transparent background so I can use it as a icon on my desktop? When see it unopened on my desktop it has a white background.
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- Joined: Sun Sep 25, 2005 3:00 am
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Re: transparent background to desktop
I'm not a Mac user, but AFAIK you need to convert the PNG image into a .icns file. If you don't want to download and install software, you can upload your image to an online service like iConvert.
- Iconpaper
- Tutorial Dog
- MacRumors forum
- MacThemes forum
- YouTube
- DigitalWaters.net
- FastIcns
With an innovative and easy–to–use interface, you can create your icons for Mac in a few steps.
- FastIcns
- Shiny Frog
- Img2icns
The fastest and easiest way to create icons for Mac OS X. From a picture to an icon in two steps.
- Img2icns
- amnoid.de
- Julien Salort
- Icns2Rsrc
Icns2Rsrc converts .icns file to a resource file containing a icns resource. The software also does Rsrc2Icns conversion.
- Icns2Rsrc
- Mscape
- Iconographer X
Iconographer is a fully-featured icon editor. It allows you to both change the icons of items and to edit the icon resources used by various programs.
- Iconographer X
- FreeMacSoft
- LiteIcon
Change and restore any icons of your system.
- LiteIcon
- Panic
- CandyBar
Change and organize your Mac OS X icons and dock.
- CandyBar
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