I've just downloaded XnRetro (1.26) for Linux. First of all: I'm using the 32bit version on my Ubuntu 13.04 64bit machine. Unfortunately, your link to the 64bit version is broken.
The main problem: Light effects don't work. Doesn't matter which one I choose, they don't apply to the image. Also, there are no light effect previews in the bottom bar, see screenshot:
Ok, i can reproduce on ubuntu 12 (or 13) 64bits only if i run the 32bits version of XnRetro, the problem is with jpeg
jpeg files can't be loaded or saved...
xnview wrote:Ok, i can reproduce on ubuntu 12 (or 13) 64bits only if i run the 32bits version of XnRetro, the problem is with jpeg
jpeg files can't be loaded or saved...
Hello Pierre,
Yes, here (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS-X64 + XnRetro 32bits) .jpg files can be loaded but not saved, same for .png file too (for example)... So here: Light effects doesn't work + save doesn't work too ...
I had the same problems. After studying the thread and installing libjpeg62 (which did not work) I came up with this work around.
1. go to the location of XnRetro. In my case, it is in my home folder, in a folder called "bin". That's where I put all the programs installed as tarballs. Your location will likely differ.
2. go to the folder containing XnRetro and look for the folder "light". Open it.
3. Make a backup of the file "light.xml".
4. All the jpg files in this folder are the overlays for light effects. You need to convert them all to .png format. You can do this manually using your image viewer and Save-as, or if you are adventurous you can use XnConvert. Just changing the extension will not work.
5. Now edit light.xml. Edit the extensions of all the files "Bokeh-2.jpg" "Bokeh-4.jpg" etc to .png (the ones you just created). Save light.xml. That's why you made a back-up.
Now light effects should work. They did for me. Or at least they have so far, I have not yet finished my conversions, but the ones I have done have worked as expected.
Its all tied up in the way XnRetro handles .jpg files. It appears to open .jpg files for editing, but will not save them, you have to save your finished product as a png. Similarly it appears to expect its overlays as .png files. If you look at the folders "vignette" and "frame" you will see that the overlays in those are all .pngs, because .png files support transparencies. I suspect the overlay engine in XnRetro expects transparancies and will thus not read .jpgs since they do not support transparencies. Only Pierre can answer this definitively.
valhallasystems wrote:I had the same problems. After studying the thread and installing libjpeg62 (which did not work) I came up with this work around.
Now to answer your question. Now that I've "fixed" LIGHT in XnRetro and have installed libjpeg62, I note the following:
I. Xnretro reads .jpg files to edit (just about everything I have is in that format). It would do that before libjpeg62 was installed. However, as noted earlier it will not read the .jpg files containing the light overlays. They had to be converted to .png to work.
2. XnRetro will not save .jpg or .jpeg files, even if JPG is flagged in the File Save dialogue box. No files appear in the target folder. No error messages appear.
3. XnRetro will save .png files, but PNG needs to be flagged in the File Save Dialogue box and the extension on the File name line needs to be changed to .png
4. XnRetro will save a file called .jpg if that is the name on the File name line and PGN is flagged in the File Save dialogue box. The output file is in the .png format but the extension is .jpg. As a result, my file system can't handle the file, unless I manually change the extension to .png. Then the file system will handle and properly display the file.