Hi Is it possible to make an option that can link the RAW+JPEG+XMP in actions?
I mean that twins (RAW+JPG) and companions(XMP sidecar) must be linked in actions like, rename, move and delete.
Eg: If I delete the Jpeg, XnViewMP will delete the RAW and the XMP files too. Because actually if I delete the Jpeg or the RAW, the xmp sidecar remain as a ghost alone in the folder.
I think this option have to be in the Settings>General>File operations.
Thanks Pierre.
Last edited by Sirio on Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'd like to join to the appeal for a possibility to have a synchronized renaming of all associated to the prime image files. It would simplify tremendously my work. Thank you in advance!
This would actually be great! And, in general, there could be a toggle switch (on-off) to perform the same action on all the files with the same name *excluding the extension*.
This would include RAW+JPG+XMP but also VIDEO+XMP, etc...
Sirio wrote:
Here we are not talking about to show, but to perform the same action on all the files. It's different.
From what I can see the idea behind both topics basically partly the same: Applying actions to both the companion file and the RAW files. Though here discussion is about an option to link the operations of the companion file and accompanied file, while the other discussion is both about visibility and linking.
Both discussions have their value and it's hard to decide where to continue. I've decided to beard the lion's in his den and continue discussion in the other topic Companion / XMP files - bug.
Here we are not talking about to show, but to perform the same action on all the files. It's different.
Son, with all due respect, sometimes performing the same action on all the files can be a very big show.
From what I can see the idea behind both topics basically partly the same: Applying actions to both the companion file and the RAW files.
Only some actions from on-disk management primitives (copy/move/rename/delete). Updating (or lack of thereof for some Raw formats) is the generator of this mess.