Thumbnails & Details view - improvements

Ideas for improvements and requests for new features in XnView Classic

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Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 9:08 pm

Thumbnails & Details view - improvements

Post by Dreamer »

Allow to customize information in 'properties' column in Thumbnails & Details view. I suggest to change option 'Thumbnail > Label' to fit also to Thumbnails & details view (dropdown menu with items 'thumb. labels' / 'thumb. & details' maybe? Or...).

..."(o) Thumbnails & Details ( ) Thumbnails & Letails"

(Edit) Or, another idea:

Code: Select all

+----------+        +----------+
|filename  |        |T.&Details|
|date      |  --->  |          |
|comment   |        |          |
|...       |  <---  |          |
|          |        +----------+
|EXIF      |
|...       |        +----------+
|          |  --->  |T.&Labels |
|IPTC      |        |          |
|...       |  <---  |          |
|          |        |          |
+----------+        +----------+
And - fit thumbnail size (heigth) to number of items in properties column - in Thumbnails & details view.
Last edited by Dreamer on Sun Jan 08, 2006 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 121
Joined: Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:28 am
Location: Munich, Germany

Re: Thumbnails & Details view - improvements

Post by FlorianH »

Dreamer wrote:Allow to customize information in 'properties' column in Thumbnails & Details view.
I support this. I would also divide the name from the thumbnail -> two columns (thumbnail, name).
Dreamer wrote:I suggest to change option 'Thumbnail > Label' to fit also to Thumbnails & details view (dropdown menu with items 'thumb. labels' / 'thumb. & details' maybe? Or...).

..."(o) Thumbnails & Details ( ) Thumbnails & Letails"
I don't understand what you mean. You want to double the options panel and switch between the options for 'Thumb&Detail' and 'Thumb&Label' by a dropdown menu or option fields?
Dreamer wrote:And - fit thumbnail size (heigth) to number of items in properties column - in Thumbnails & details view.
I think line wrapping would be good for the 'Thumb&Label' view. For example IPTC.Caption can be a very long string. But if both is implemented (line wrapping and resizing to properties height), it would result in thumbnails of different height...
Posts: 4608
Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 9:08 pm

Re: Thumbnails & Details view - improvements

Post by Dreamer »

FlorianH wrote:
Dreamer wrote:I suggest to change option 'Thumbnail > Label' to fit also to Thumbnails & details view (dropdown menu with items 'thumb. labels' / 'thumb. & details' maybe? Or...).

..."(o) Thumbnails & Details ( ) Thumbnails & Letails"
I don't understand what you mean. You want to double the options panel and switch between the options for 'Thumb&Detail' and 'Thumb&Label' by a dropdown menu or option fields?
Yes, if I understand...

Or, another idea:

Code: Select all

+----------+        +----------+
|filename  |        |T.&Details|
|date      |  --->  |          |
|comment   |        |          |
|...       |  <---  |          |
|          |        +----------+
|EXIF      |
|...       |        +----------+
|          |  --->  |T.&Labels |
|IPTC      |        |          |
|...       |  <---  |          |
|          |        |          |
+----------+        +----------+
mostly harmless
Posts: 49
Joined: Wed May 21, 2008 11:28 am

Post by mostly harmless »

I also have a problem figuring out what exactly you mean.

What I would like to see (maybe that is what you ment) is this:

Having a section in the browser view that shows meta data (IPTC, rating, comments - what actually is in there would be configured in the preferences).
this info is not only shown but you could also directly write in there to add or change the meta data
And last not least:
I would like to have this stored outomatically without having to click a "save"-button. This would require an undo-function (maybe a history of the previous version of the changed meta data stored in a database).
As standard the new meta data would be saved in XnView`s database and not in the file.
Store new changed meta data in the file immediately/after a delay (the latter option should prevent mutliple save operations if a user changes his/her mind and edits the data several times).