
Questions, suggestions, and answers for XnView on all Un*x platforms (Linux, HP-UX, AIX, ...)

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Post by Kalle »


I am using XnView v1.68 on an Apple iBook and I have severl questions:

You can change the size of the file-select-box, but if you close it and reopen it, the old size is back. I would like to have it bigger than the original size. Where can you fix this size?

The program acts strangely in different ways. For example, if you want to save a file with "save as", you type a new name and press "Return"9, you expect that the file is save and the file-selct-box disappears. But not in Xnview! The new name is gone and the cursor jumpts back to the beginning of the line. You have to click on "Save" to make the program save the file.

Is it possible to define new keyboard-shortcuts? For example to save a file you press "Strg + s", but there is no shortcut for "Save as".

So far. Regards from Karlheinz Kern
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Re: Keyboard-Shortcuts

Post by xnview »

Kalle wrote:Hallo,

I am using XnView v1.68 on an Apple iBook and I have severl questions:

You can change the size of the file-select-box, but if you close it and reopen it, the old size is back. I would like to have it bigger than the original size. Where can you fix this size?

The program acts strangely in different ways. For example, if you want to save a file with "save as", you type a new name and press "Return"9, you expect that the file is save and the file-selct-box disappears. But not in Xnview! The new name is gone and the cursor jumpts back to the beginning of the line. You have to click on "Save" to make the program save the file.
Ok, i'll fix it
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:11 am

Thank you,Pierre!

Post by Kalle »

That would be geat, Pierre! Thank you! Karlheinz Kern