multi picture format

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John DD
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multi picture format

Post by John DD »


Today I got my new camera: Ricoh CX1
It is the first camera which support the new multi picture format: ... X007_E.pdf

I'am looking forward to manage these pictures with XN-view instead with Irodio Photo & Video Studio.

If I can help you, to handle this format let me know!
- e.g. by sending you such a file by e-mail.

Ciao, John
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Re: multi picture format

Post by xnview »

Yes, please send me a sample?
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Re: multi picture format

Post by JohnFredC »

I'm curious about the acceptance status of this format. The industry desperately needs something like it, IMO.

Many uses for it come to mind, in particular a method of version management that would keep the versions as separate images inside the one file. If the versions were implemented as "difference" images, perhaps some file space could be saved, as well.
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Re: multi picture format

Post by XnTriq »

Ricoh (Press Rleleases » [url=]Ricoh announces the CX1[/url]) wrote:5. With the multi-target AF function, the camera automatically finds seven focal distances and shoots at each one in succession.
  • The camera automatically decides seven focus points and does high-speed consecutive shooting of seven images while shifting the focus to each point. After shooting, you can select the image with the preferred focus. This function is effective for scenes (such as flowers) where there is a narrow range for a sharp focus.
    * The consecutively shot images are recorded as a single MP file (a file format with multiple still images in a single file).
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* The term “MP file” used in this document refers to “Extended MP files” conforming to the “multi-picture format” standardized by the CIPA. (The file extension is MPO.)
With MP file images recorded by the CX1, a selected frame can be extracted and saved as anindividual JPEG image within the camera.
Ricoh (CX1 » [url=]Features[/url] » Multi-target AF) wrote:Multi-target AF does high-speed consecutive shooting of seven images with different focal distances determined by the camera. It is effective for scenes (such as flowers) where there is a narrow range for a sharp focus. The camera automatically decides the seven focus points and does the high-speed consecutive shooting of seven images while shifting the focus to each point. After shooting, you can select the image with the preferred focus.

* The continuously shot still images are recorded together as a single MP file. With MP file images recorded by the CX1, a selected frame can be extracted and saved as an individual JPEG image within the camera.
  • Image
  1. The camera automatically finds seven focus points on the image.
  2. High-speed consecutive shooting of seven images is done while shifting the focus point.
  3. The image with the preferred focus can be selected from among the seven.
* The continuously shot still images are recorded together as a single MP file. With MP file images recorded by the CX1, a selected frame can be extracted and saved as an individual JPEG image within the camera.
* Using the enclosed software “Irodio Photo & Video Studio”, MP files can be displayed on a PC (Macintosh not supported). There are plans to release software enabling display on Macintosh computers (supported OS: Mac OS 10.4 to 10.5.5) at the end of March 2009.
  • Pixela: Irodio Photo & Video Studio » Q&A
Ricoh (Software Downloads » [url=]VM-1[/url]) wrote:The CX1 model has the features, M-Cont. Plus, Speed Cont., Multi-Target AF, these modes record captured still images to a MP file.
The following software is installed in your system. Which enables you to view a MP file and export JPEG pictures from the MP file in a Macintosh computer. ([url=]3D-News Archive September 2008[/url] » Photokina – Where to find 3D? » Fujifilm Corporation) wrote:According to the developer of the camera, the native storage format is one side-by-side stereo pair in one file, also containing a header area in which extra information is stored. This format is called “Multi Picture Format” (MPF), and is standardized by CIPA, the Camera & Imaging Products Association of Japan. An English translation of this very new standard (“Stereo Still Image Format for Digital Cameras”) is available for download: ... -006_E.pdf
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Re: multi picture format

Post by Pangloss »


The new Fuji 3D camera and other cameras use MPO as well to store the two stereo pairs. All that is needed is to simply make a thumb of the first image in the file (imho), the format is very simple, no need to be able to open all the images inside imho. There aren't many browser apps that will egenrate thumbs fromt he first image in an mpo, to see what the image is, you have to open each one.

Hope this information helps, 3d digital cameras are on the up n up!

If you give me the appropriate info i may pay someone to make an xnview plugin for this on


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Re: multi picture format

Post by Vsevolod »

Latest version of STOIK Imagic 5.0.4 ( can split MPO files such as made by FujiFilm FinePix Real 3D W1 into standard JPEGs, generate stereo pairs (JPS, PNS), and anaglyphs. STOIK Imagic is free, but some advanced features will require purchase of activation key after initial 30 days. Splitting of MPO into JPEGs is available in free version.