Open all non image files in associated program

Ideas for improvements and requests for new features in XnView Classic

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Re: Open all non image files in associated program

Post by xnview »

Dreamer wrote:
xnview wrote:Perhaps only one option "open all non image files in associated program (after double click on file or with Enter)" is needed, too complicated else...
Yes, but there is already an option "Use external media player" in xnview, so it should be clear to user what option has priority.

When "open all non image files in associated program" option would be enabled and "Use external media player" option disabled, audio/video files would be opened in xnview or in external player?

I think there should be a posibility to play/open audio/video files in xnview and other files in associated program.


"Open all files un-associated in xnview in associated program (after double click on file or with Enter)"
Yes, difficult to find an easy way for this option.
Or :
Open with associated program:
[] Video [] Others files
What do you think?
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Post by helmut »

Two possible solutions:

Solution A - Drop down lists
The solution could look similar to the options for file list (see Tools > Options, category "Browser > File list")


Solution B - User defined File lists
Another, very flexible approach is providing two edittext fields for specifying arbitrary file types. In the edittext fields, the user could enter all file extensions:


The buttons [>>] would open a menu and allow for inserting predefined file types (Audio files, Video files, Image files, ...). Also the buttons [>>] would lead to a menu entry to reset the entries to default (in case the user has completely messed up the file list).

Also, there could be placeholders for the file list, e.g. <All image files>, <All audio files>. This would ensure that the file list do not get too long.
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Post by ckit »

I like Solution B.
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Post by xnview »

For me Solution A is good (better for normal user)
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Post by Lesmo16 »

Hm - I've read the whole thread - and came to this conclusion:

The requested functionality is stuff for a versatile file manager like TotalCommander,
and xnView should remain a special software for any kind of images.

Only my humble opinion - sorry. :?
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Post by helmut »

Lesmo16 wrote:...The requested functionality is stuff for a versatile file manager like TotalCommander,
and xnView should remain a special software for any kind of images
I disagree: For many people (including me) XnView is a central platform for quickly browsing images. Whenever needed, I start other graphic programs (e.g. Corel Draw) using the Open With... feature of XnView. It would be intuitive and a real help, if XnView could also handle the non-image files.

Perhaps Solution B is too flexible and too complex for many people, but Solution A is easy and intuitive. I think even more intuitive than the current options ("Use external Video player", "Use shell context to open picture", ...).
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Post by Oberon Prime »

Lesmo16 wrote:Hm - I've read the whole thread - and came to this conclusion:

The requested functionality is stuff for a versatile file manager like TotalCommander,
and xnView should remain a special software for any kind of images.

Only my humble opinion - sorry. :?
I strongly disagree with this. I have always used my image browser as a more general purpose media browser. In my day to day images, videos, audio files and text all end up in the same directory. The reason I use my image browser as my regular file manager is that a high percentage of what I browse are image files and image browsers excel at quick load and rapid change of image being viewed, something a file manager could never keep up with.

I however much prefer other software to view video and text and for listening to audio. The media files have an opt out. But their are enough text files and checksum files and archive files to make the current behaviour inconvienent.

An option to allow users to define how they would like all non media files to be handled takes nothing away from people who like it as it is, nor does it add undue complexity. Those who like things as they are and/or don't know what the option is for will leave it alone and nothing will change. But for the rest of us who are having to reach for the F3 key on a regular basis it provides a much needed relief.

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Wrong, wrong---

Post by Clo »

:arrow: Oberon Prime

:) Hi !
…and image browsers excel at quick load and rapid change of image being viewed, something a file manager could never keep up with.

• Sorry, this is quite wrong… Whether you'ld be a TC-user for a long time (like Lesmo 16 and I…), you would know that images can be displayed very quickly either via the "Lister" features - which can use XnView or others as plugins, or as thumb-nails in the panels …
• About the files managing, you might give a try to TC, and compare : there is no finish photo…
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:mrgreen: KR
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Post by helmut »

Oberon Prime wrote:...
An option to allow users to define how they would like all non media files to be handled takes nothing away from people who like it as it is, nor does it add undue complexity. Those who like things as they are and/or don't know what the option is for will leave it alone and nothing will change. But for the rest of us who are having to reach for the F3 key on a regular basis it provides a much needed relief.
I absolutely second this. We are talking about introducing an option and/or perhaps even improving existing options by making them more consistent. These options will not harm anyone. So why bother?
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Post by Dreamer »

I agree with Helmut (last two posts).

I vote for "Solution A", it's better for normal users.

"Solution B" might be confusing (not only) for normal users, we could find a better solution, which should be the same as other similar options in xnview, or change also those options - later.

helmut wrote:Solution A - Drop down lists
The solution could look similar to the options for file list (see Tools > Options, category "Browser > File list")

I'd prefer terms "audio files" / "video files", just my opinion.
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Re: Wrong, wrong---

Post by Oberon Prime »

Clo wrote: • Sorry, this is quite wrong… Whether you'ld be a TC-user for a long time (like Lesmo 16 and I…), you would know that images can be displayed very quickly either via the "Lister" features - which can use XnView or others as plugins, or as thumb-nails in the panels …
• About the files managing, you might give a try to TC, and compare : there is no finish photo…
When I said File Manager I did mean the venerable Windows Explorer. I have on many occasions tried various shell addons and image viewers that were intended to extend Explorer into something more full featured. But at least with the standalone image viewers i've tried I've never been happy with the behaviour I've gotten.

When I'm browsing images I use full screen and I like to use the scroll wheel or PgUp and PgDn to advance to the next image or previous image in the current folder.

When viewing images from an image browser a double click or enter on an image results in near instant view from which I can scroll or Page through the other images in that folder also without significant delay.

My experience with using file managers for the same purpose is currently limited to Windows Explorer in tandem with various add on image viewers. I've always found the delay before the image displays appreciably/unsuitably longer. I've also found in most cases it won't let you advance to the next image in the current folder, requiring one to close out the view and select the next file. When it has allowed an advance it has tended to be as sluggish as the initial view or not work with full screen.

In a nutshell my statements were based on this experience which is apparently limited and ignorant. With the file management solutions I've tried I've found that the tendency towards primarilily viewing images made an image browser an ideal file manager. But I shall check out this TC and see whether its a better fit for what I need.

Thanks Clo for correcting my misconception regarding this.

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[OT] Viewer vs. file manager…

Post by Clo »

:arrow: Oberon Prime

:) Hello !

• Indeed, the Win Explorer is the worst thing to use in the case… Despite the addition of some “cosmetics”, it's no more than the antiquated ”File Manager” of Win 3.1 for the base. And I heard this continues in the newest “Vista”…
- If you give a try to Total Commander, I recommend you to download the free illustrated Tutorial which helps a lot to configure the program ;)
- You'll be welcome too on the TC-Forum (English, French, German…)

• The issue of the jobs limits about the images display has been expressed too for TC; a reasonable balance must be defined for each kind of program, or esle they become quickly « gasworks » ! :P

- A good partnership exists for TC and XnView, this allows a pleasant and fast use of both programs features…
- The idea of a “XnView” plugin for TC-Lister (as a *.wlx DLL) is "on the air" too, it should speed up more the images viewing…

:mrgreen: Kind regards,
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Post by helmut »

I'd like to see the above option (Solution A) implemented in one of the next releases.
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Post by Dreamer »

helmut wrote:Solution A - Drop down lists

Maybe we could add another option there - "Text files (txt, htm, pdf?...)".

What do you think?

And what should be default options?
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Post by xnview »

Dreamer wrote:
helmut wrote:Solution A - Drop down lists

Maybe we could add another option there - "Text files (txt, htm, pdf?...)".

What do you think?
All text files?
And what should be default options?
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