RC7: Compare dialog: Icons of skin

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RC7: Compare dialog: Icons of skin

Post by Clo »

:) Hi All !

- BTW, I thought that the possibility to have the "Compare" icons as a tool-bar in each skin should be great !
• I mean : with parameters allowing any size a little larger than 16*16 actually.
- With a 1024*768 display definition "only", it's tiny for me, and doesn't permit to draw nice explicit icons later, perhaps (the same for the Browser small tool-bar too…)

What do you think :?:

:mrgreen: Kind regards,

{ To Mods : I didn't know where to place this, so could be moved to "WishList" if you guess it's better… }

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Post by helmut »

Thanks Clo for raising this issue, again. Currently I see no real point using special icons in the compare dialog. The icons currently used are a bit smaller, but I think that doesn't rectify using special icons. So I'd also like to see the default icons provided in each skin.

This will make things more consistent and even easier for the designers, since no new icons will be needed.
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Not in the skin

Post by Clo »

• Well, simplest is, best is… But -except I mistake- I see two icons which are not in the main tool-bar skin :

1. Fit the page better (Meilleure adaptation à la page in French there)

2. Remove one image (or so, the info-text is still missing currently)

- Hence, even if these icons will be extracted / resized from the current skin, I guess that these two ones will be missing… ?

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Post by Olive »

Yes all toolbar buttons should be skinnable, ideally, but probably not for 1.80 (it'll be out soon so I hardly see all toolbar designers updating their skin at this point)