Next/Previous Issues with Preview Pane

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Next/Previous Issues with Preview Pane

Post by dev3d »

Next/Previous when the preview pane (not full-screen) is focused doesn't work as expected like with full-screen preview, as it doesn’t skip Video files like Next/Previous when full-screen preview is focused, even when have all of the following options:
  • Options > Browser > File List > File List > Video files = unchecked for all checkbox rows (Show in preview, etc.)
  • Options > View > Misc > Play Movie/Sound = disabled
  • Options > Browser > Preview > Show first frame for videos = enabled or disabled
Also, it seems like Page Up/Page Down aren't actually mapped to Next/Previous like they are shown to be in context menu (when right clicking) on the Preview Pane, as when used when the preview pane is focused, they instead just scroll the browser down several rows.