Hi Guys,
I just enlarged an image using the assigned parameters from a smaller file. The DPI was set to 300 DPI and the results were great. The file information I set was for 7200x10600 DPI output. However, when I opened the image in Photoshop and looked at the image size, it reported it to be 7200x9600, not 10600 DPI.
I tried it again with the same results.
I then tried once more but this time I increased the image size from 24x35 to 24x38 and checked it with Photoshop, and this time Photoshop showed it to be 24x36, the correct size for the DPI calculation. Going forward, I will have to increase the 24x36 selection by 2 inches to get the correct results. I did not try the lower US printing standards, maybe someone can check those. I will try them in a few days being too busy right now, to say.
Can anyone try to confirm my results, if they have Photoshop, too?
24x36 Enlargement - FYI
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