libgfl heap corruption??

Discussions on GFL SDK, the graphic library for reading and writing graphic files

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libgfl heap corruption??

Post by RobIII »

I wrote my own ActiveX wrapper around libgfl and for some time now (since v2.60 or earlier, but I might be mistaken a little) libgfl causes heap corruption every once in a while. Today I was lucky enough to "catch" such a crash. I'm currently using the latest version (from

I can't pinpoint what causes it exactly but it does. All I can do, because it happens in an IIS process, is dump a crashreport and hope someone figures this out. All I can say is that I've ruled out everything else and libgfl seems to be the culprit.

From what I understand from the crashreport is that this is caused by gflPNGSetComment but I'm sure I don't use that fuction (nor have I exposed it in my ActiveX wrapper). I have attached the crashreport and can only hope for the best. If you need any extra information I will do my best to provide it.
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Re: libgfl heap corruption??

Post by xnview »

could you send me your email by PM