GFLax needs better dithering in color mode

Discussions on GFL SDK, the graphic library for reading and writing graphic files

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GFLax needs better dithering in color mode

Post by Ben321 »

GFLax can only do diffusion dither (Floyd Steinberg) in grayscale mode for ChangeColorDepth method. It should ALSO work in color mode, but it doesn't. For it to work in color mode, all it would need to do would be to perform the SAME action it does in grayscale mode, only 3 consecutive times (once for each color plane). It should indeed be very easy to program it to do this. It should be a fairly small change in the source code. I'm surprised you (the writer of XnView and GFLax) have in fact NOT YET incorporated it in GFLax (and yes I've tried the LATEST version of GFLax).
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Re: GFLax needs better dithering in color mode

Post by Ben321 »

Is this not considered an important feature by the maker of XnView?
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Re: GFLax needs better dithering in color mode

Post by xnview »

Sorry but currently i have many others projects