I use this comandline to create thumbnails in a thumbs subfolder with a name prefix on my windows 8.1 64 Bit machine.
Code: Select all
nconvert -quiet -overwrite -o $\thumbs\phoca_thumb_l_%% -opthuff -dct 2 -subsampling 2 -keepfiledate -rexifthumb -ratio -rtype lanczos -rflag decr -resize longest 800 -wmopacity 100 -wmfile "%Watermarkdir%\GeneratePhocaThumbs\watermark-large.png" -wmflag bottom-right %workdir%\*.JPG
For example file "IMG_1066.JPG" gets converted to "phoca_thumb_l_IMG_1066.jpg" - but should be "phoca_thumb_l_IMG_1066.JPG"
I do upload the thumbs to my website and this is a linux server so filenames are case sensitive and the software searches for an upper case JPG if the original file was upper case JPG.
How do I fix this?
I have not found any option like in XnConvert to preserve the Case of the filename nor can I explicitly specify the output MASK like "$\thumbs\phoca_thumb_l_%%.JPG" - it results in lower case again!
Thanks for your help
PS: I found first XnConvert which has more options and from a softare developer standpoint - why isnt nconvert just the commandline tool for XnConvert - why are those two completly seperate with simmilar - but not equivalent capabilities? (why doesn´t the UI of XnConvert just use NConvert?)