Is there a way to use XnShell to rename a file to have the dimensions of the image?
e.g., file
After downloading as app-xnsoft-512.png I'd like to rename it to have a trailing dash + dimensions: app-xnsoft-512-175x175.png
I rarely need to do this in bulk so XnView seems like overkill to me. I looked at nConvert v7.41 but there only appear to be a limited number of ways to modify the filename:
Code: Select all
-o filename : Output filename
Use # to specify position of numeric enumerator
Use % to specify source filename
Use $ to specify full source pathname
Use $$ to specify source folder name
Use $EXIF:DateModified[date format] to specify EXIF date modified
Use $EXIF:DateTaken[date format] to specify EXIF date taken
Date format: Please check documentation of strftime