Code: Select all
nconvert -i sample.gif -o tif
Code: Select all
C:\Users\Poto>"D:\Documents\Quicker\NConvertByPoto\nconvert.exe" -o png "D:\Pictures\favicon (3).ico"
** NCONVERT v7.80 (c) 1991-2021 Pierre-E Gougelet (Apr 27 2021/08:27:27) **
Version for Windows Xp/Vista/7 x64 (All rights reserved)
** This is freeware software (for non-commercial use)
Conversion of D:\Pictures\favicon (3).ico into png_1.ico OK
Code: Select all
C:\Users\Poto>"D:\Documents\Quicker\NConvertByPoto\nconvert.exe" -out png "D:\Pictures\favicon (3).ico"
** NCONVERT v7.80 (c) 1991-2021 Pierre-E Gougelet (Apr 27 2021/08:27:27) **
Version for Windows Xp/Vista/7 x64 (All rights reserved)
** This is freeware software (for non-commercial use)
Conversion of D:\Pictures\favicon (3).ico into D:\Pictures\favicon (3).png OK
According to the documentation, -o is the file name and -out is the output format name