Convert only selected files in a folder structure

Discussions on NConvert - the command line tool for image conversion and manipulation

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Convert only selected files in a folder structure

Post by jojozekil »


I spent a lot of time on the forum before asking my question, but could not fond a solution.

I have a directory, let's call it HOME

There are many sub-directories in HOME. I would like to apply a very simple action on every pictures but only in some folders.

Every picture in a directory or a subdirectory (what ever the level) who's name contains PHOTO must be processed.
In my example, DIR1, DIR2, DIR3, DIR4, SUBDIR5, SUBDIR6,DIRXXX, DIRXYZ and DIRZAZA are filled with pictures that must be processed.

|_ A
|....|_ AA
|....|_ AB
|....|_ ABA
|...|_ AC
|.......|_ ACA
|............|_ PHOTOS-ACA
|................|_ DIR4
|................|_ SUBDIR5
|................|_ SUBSUBDIR6
|...|_ DZ
|........|_ DZA
|.............|_ DZAA
|...................|_ PHOTOS-DZAA
|.......................|_ DIRXXX
|.......................|_ DIRXYZ
|.......................|_ DIRZAZ

The pictures must be converted in JPEG in the same resolution as the original.
The original must be deleted.
The informations of date and time must not be changed

Also if I can add a filter to not process pictures older than a date I can choose, it would be perfect.

If it complies with the rules of the forum, I could pay for such a service. If it does not, I will remove this part and apologies.

Thank you
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Re: Need help for use of Nconvert

Post by cday »

jojozekil wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2024 2:42 pm I have a directory, let's call it HOME

There are many sub-directories in HOME. I would like to apply a very simple action on every pictures but only in some folders.

Every picture in a directory or a subdirectory (what ever the level) who's name contains PHOTO must be processed.
In my example, DIR1, DIR2, DIR3, DIR4, SUBDIR5, SUBDIR6,DIRXXX, DIRXYZ and DIRZAZA are filled with pictures that must be processed.
Might be possible using wildcards, I'm not sure, best to create a degenerate (minimal) folder structure and test using that.

Note that a possible recursion bug when a folder structure has more than one sub-level has been reported very recently, not yet confirmed, and if there is one it might possibly be fixed.

Using a Windows CMD, or a MAC or Linux terminal or script?
The pictures must be converted in JPEG in the same resolution as the original.
The original must be deleted.
The informations of date and time must not be changed
Have you created an NConvert Help file listing the available code switches/options?
Also if I can add a filter to not process pictures older than a date I can choose, it would be perfect.
That might require use of another utility in a script...
If it complies with the rules of the forum, I could pay for such a service. If it does not, I will remove this part and apologies.
I think that you should contact Pierre the developer of XnView software directly at the contact address on the home page.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Nov 10, 2024 2:06 pm

Re: Convert only selected files in a folder structure

Post by jojozekil »

Thank you cday for your kind answer,
I sent an email to Pierre