Welcome to my topic of ideas/requests for:
Custom 'INI' file Tweaks for actions
These ini changes would be entirely up to the user to make and would not be part of the Settings found in Settings dialog but still there 'under the hood' to use in XnView MP.
This ini code tweak would be to Always open the About, Batch Convert, Batch Rename - as tabs (no need to use Shift key).
Code: Select all
This is for the ability for thumbnails/icons displayed on a tab to 'shake' a little (an animation) upon single clicking on a tab just like what can be seen on Mac OSX launcher dock.
Code: Select all
This is for the ability to allow thumbnails on tab to turn 'Psychedelic color' (quick 2 second random Hue changes) on tab single click or tab re-arranging (would work for 'thumbnails' only but maybe tab 'icons' too).
Code: Select all