Missing features (compared to XnView Classic)

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Missing features (compared to XnView Classic)

Post by helmut »

XnView MP 1.02: List of missing features (compared to XnView Classic): Last update: 29 August 2022

Below please find a list of missing features in XnView MP, i.e. features that are available in XnView Classic (Windows) which are still missing in the current version of XnView MP. This list is interesting and important for those users that think about switching from XnView Classic to XnView MP. This list summarizes all posts in this thread. If there's a feature that you miss in XnView MP which is not mentioned here, yet, please add a post describing that feature. I'll add it to this list, then.

There's a list of additional features and differences between XnView Classic (=Windows) and XnView MP (=Multiplatform) provided by budz45.

Missing features
• Open a specific page number for multipage image files
• Create a new folder on "Copy to" and "Move to" dialog (see gussoner's post)
• Video bar options (from XnView Classic), see http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=35211
• Automatic crop in Viewer: Image » Automatic crop, (see cday's post)
• Automatic crop "Alt+Y" for pictures in B&W. (see Amandus's and its subsequent post)
• Fullscreen: Navigation with left-right mouse button, see http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=35233
• Extract GIFs (see confona's post) Note: I guess "Tools > Extract movie frames..." in XnView Classic is meant.
• Viewing and conversion of WSQ files for fingerprint image
• High quality zooming for animated GIFs (see High quality zoom for animated .GIF files)
• "View>Auto-Image-Resize>Fit image to desktop, large only" (see Opening an image that uses XnViewMP alot slower than Classic)
• Settings > View > Fullscreen > Dual monitor: use second monitor does not apply to slideshows nor is there an option to explicitly make it apply to slideshows. In XnView Classic 2.51.0, Options > View > Fullscreen > Dual monitor: use second monitor (Browser & Slideshow) applies to both like it says. (see de89a2117eb570c46318's post)
• Screen Capture: Multiple Capture (see Screen Capture - Include Multiple Capture in Output Folder)

Current status unknown - to be clarified
• "Next subfolder" and "Previous subfolder" options, see http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=35183 Note: In XnView Classic 2.50.4 nothing happens when pressing Ctrl+PageUp or Ctrl+PageDown.
• Acquire from scanner or Camera (Linux/Ubuntu) (see ikletti's and berniz95's post)
• "Never ask again" in "Save change file" message box. (Note: Not clear whether this should be implemented in XnView MP, see discussions here.)
• Plug-in support for many formats in Windows 64-bit, Mac and Linux versions. (see cday's post)
• Fullscreen: Not "Play first file from next folder" (see mtness's post) Note: Where can this setting be found in XnView Classic?

Deprecated features
• View in Hex mode (see Helmut's post)
• Sequence convert (see Helmut's post)
• Create Slide show > Creation of .exe files
• Create Web Page

Added - no longer missing
• Ability to set double click on image/video to open in associated program (see gouache's post) Note: XnView Classic you can set "Open action" in Tools >> Settings | General | Keyboard/Mouse | Open action (Browser).
• Sharpening viewed pics (Classic: Settings > View > Use sharpen 0-80) (see eye2eye's post
• Browsing ZIP archives (see salazor's topic)
• Custom selection and custom ratio for selection (see cday's post) Note: Available in Crop mode. Crop mode can be started by selecting nothing and then clicking on the "Crop" symbol
• Shortcut thumbs for folders (see obelisk's topic)
• Seek video by clicking on time slider bar, see http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=35144
• Different size/position of browser and viewer, see http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=28022 Note: This can be achived using the preview, see linked topic for more details.
• Switch view mode shortcut in Browser, see http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?t=35214
• Viewer: Looping of videos (see tarocco's post) In XnView MPs there is a setting "Loop video playing". You'll find this setting in Tools > Settings... | View | Misc.
• Smooth zooming for 1bit files (see liorl99's post)
• Tile pictures for comparison (see confona's and its subsequent post In XnView MP you have "Create > Join images..." for joining several images to a new picture.
• Show/Hide and Delete/Copy/Move companion files like JPG-RAW (see t3sla's post and dev3d's post) Added: In XnView MP there are setting for this in Tools >> Settings... | Browser | File list | File list.
• Action for adding to toolbar missing: "File » Open...", "File » Close", ... (see Denyer's post) XnView MP 0.99.7: cmd_Open and cmd_Close are available for adding to the toolbar in View mode.

• "Save as" dialog: "Options" to set format options like JPG quality (see froetel's and other people's posts)
• Format options on a "Save as" dialog ((see gussoner's post) Note: There is File » Format settings but this might not be a smooth workflow, see following post)
• Edit colour palette (including setting of transparency)
• Batch rename: Sort options (see StephanP's post)
• Apply sharpen in Resize dialog (see TGB_72's post)
• Fast image scrolling (see deus-ex)
• Auto Deskew (see cday's post)
• Browser: "File operations" (Copy to, Move to, ...) missing in toolbar (see budz45's post)
• "Properties" in the tree pane (see Gérard 91's post)
• Button "Most common" for adding the most common formats in Tools » Settings | Interface » Formats | Saving.
• Quick slide show
• Print
• Contact Sheet (0.85)
• File Associations
• Metadata support
• Create Multi-page file
• Red Eye Correction
• Add Text to image
• Add Watermark
• Paint tools
• Effects
• Favourite management (see ania's post) (there's the Data pane "Favorites" for managing favorites)
• Acquire from canner or Camera (Windows)
• Create strip of Images (=Join Image)
• SVG support
• Fit image to window, large only (ee AndyK' and it ubequent pot)
• Support for Companion files (see TD's post)
• "Open all" in the context menu of browser (see bio67's post)
• Automatic crop in Batch conversion (see lostcpu's post)
Last edited by helmut on Mon Aug 29, 2022 12:19 pm, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: What's different in XnView MP [Full List]

Post by budz45 »

Helmut, IMO there are not a great many features missing now and I think XnView MP is a healthy 70% completed. XnView MP is the most ambitious and precious project Pierre has developed for us (I believe).

Ok, I have listed below some key features that XnView standard users would currently notice as 'missing' in current XnView MP and not 'yet' added as of March 2nd 2012:

Print ------> (a Big feature for all OS platforms) should hopefully arrive in the next coming XnView MP release (2012?) :)
File Associations ------> should hopefully arrive in the next coming XnView MP release (2012?) :)

Acquire from Scanner or Camera ------> already available in XnView MP 0.39 'Browser' so just needs extending to 'view' mode :)

Add text ------> the code already available in XnView MP "Batch Convert" - will get added in future "view" mode :)
Add Watermark ------> the code already available in XnView MP "Batch Convert" - will get added in future "view" mode :)
Red Eye Correction ------> important user feature, will get added in future

Contact Sheet ------> a classic XnView feature
Create Web Page
Multi-page file
View in Hex mode
Metadata ------> already available in XnView MP 'Browser' but needs more support for other metadata editing found in XnView standard
Open Page number ------> not a big feature, but still relevant, see this topic
Create Strip of Images ------> should be renamed and needs more feature enhancements when added to future XnView MP

Effects ------> (a Big feature for all OS platforms) for future XnView MP
Paint ------> to be integrated integrated into XnView MP and no longer a separate a XnView plugin

Sequence convert/Batch processing ------> In XnView MP I think these are now all included in the "Batch Convert" or scheduled to be

Not important: Also the "File operations" 'Browser' toolbar icon is missing in MP although each of the "copy to folder" and "move to folder" are each available in XnView MP.
Last edited by budz45 on Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What's different in XnView MP [Full List]

Post by JohnFredC »

Sorry... I don't think that list qualifies as "not very many". IMO that's a huge list, at least for my use.
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Re: What's different in XnView MP [Full List]

Post by marsh »

The version number indicates an approximate completion percentage? Correct me if I'm wrong.
For me, it is not ready as a simple viewer (cf. 1).
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Re: What's different in XnView MP [Full List]

Post by helmut »

Thanks for providing the "missing features" list, budz45! :-) With this list it's much clearer, how mature/immature XnView MP is. Already, you have identified some important features, I'd call them basic features. I guess most people will not migrate to XnView MP until all "basic" features for image handling are available. From my point of view the missing basic features are:

• Red Eye Correction
• Print
• File Associations
• Acquire from Scanner or Camera

Let's cross fingers that Pierre will add these basic features, soon.
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Re: What's different in XnView MP [Full List]

Post by xnview »

helmut wrote: • Acquire from Scanner or Camera
You have it already :)
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Re: List of missing features (compared to XnView Classic)

Post by helmut »

I guess for all those users that intend to switch from XnView (Classic) to XnView MP, a list of missing functionality compared to XnView Classic is very important. That's why I've made this topic sticky. Please post here if another major feature is missing and should be added to the above list.

Metadata support: What is missing?
Regarding "Metadata support" I'm not clear what is exactly missing in XnView MP 0.53. Could someone please help, here?

Feature needed? Open Hex view
Moving into a new house is always a good time to get rid of unused and useless stuff. I'm not sure whether "Open Hex view" really should make it into XnView MP. I guess 99,9 % of the XnView users have never ever used hex. For some novice users the hex view might be even quite embarassing if they just try it out. I'd vote for getting rid of it.

Feature needed? Sequence convert
Actually, I never fully understood why there is a batch processing and a sequence convert. From what I've learnt, sequence convert allows for batch format conversion with renaming at the same time. Providing a batch processing with possibility of batch renaming would probably do the same job and would be even more flexible.

Other opinions? Other stuff we could get rid off?
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Re: List of missing features (compared to XnView Classic)

Post by budz45 »

helmut wrote:Metadata support: What is missing?
Regarding "Metadata support" I'm not clear what is exactly missing in XnView MP 0.53. Could someone please help, here?
Hmmm Pierre might want to add the open-source MediaInfo library: http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/en
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Re: List of missing features (compared to XnView Classic)

Post by B.Douille »

helmut wrote: Other opinions? Other stuff we could get rid off?
There is no value to just copy/paste all existing features. Doing so, the "MP" would not be released quick and you'll have to maintain both platforms for a while. Waste of time. The new platform should be the opportunity to provide up-to-date and easy-to-use features and improve user experience.
- To me, HEX view is useless except for exception debugging. There are external HEX viewers available if needed.
- Same for Sequence convert - redondant with batch convert. The new implementation is far better than the old 2 :)
- Use of the Descipt.ion file to store comments is legacy and not practical (does not follow the files when copied or moved).
- File Export looks duplicate with Save As and with batch convert as well (the preview is now available is the 2nd).
- Some features offered in Image Table and Image Adjust are very similar. Sometime confusing what Table means for average users.
- Adjust DPI was duplicate with resize (it is not implemented in MP).
- For Metadata the topic is complex due to different level of use and the various file format. I consider most of the features I need is there. More can be done for example with editon of EXIF data or extend to video (seen from EXIFtool) but this is a can of worms and the average user could become lost / lose precious data while touching them.

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Re: List of missing features (compared to XnView Classic)

Post by helmut »

B.Douille wrote:...
- For Metadata the topic is complex due to different level of use and the various file format. I consider most of the features I need is there. More can be done for example with editon of EXIF data or extend to video (seen from EXIFtool) but this is a can of worms and the average user could become lost / lose precious data while touching them.

Good points, DB. I fully agree in all points except:
B.Douille wrote:.. There is no value to just copy/paste all existing features. Doing so, the "MP" would not be released quick and you'll have to maintain both platforms for a while. Waste of time. The new platform should be the opportunity to provide up-to-date and easy-to-use features and improve user experience.
Actually, just copying XnView Classic's functionality would be probably the fastest way of get XnView MP released. But introducing a new product is an opportunity to get rid of superceded stuff and improve things. This is what happens during XnView MP development.
B.Douille wrote:- File Export looks duplicate with Save As and with batch convert as well (the preview is now available is the 2nd).
Not sure about this one:
* File Export has it's focus on optimization of file size and the result.
* Batch processing has it's focus on transformations and renaming.
* "Save as" is for just saving the current file in a specific format and location.
I can't see that one function makes the other superfluous. And combining them would overcomplicate things.
B.Douille wrote:- Adjust DPI was duplicate with resize (it is not implemented in MP).
Adjust DPI and resize are two different functions (correct me if I'm wrong): With "Image > Adjust DPI" you set the image's resolution without resizing the image itself. When printing, the image appears smaller or larger, but the image's content hasn't changed. With Image > Resize you resize the image to a smaller or larger number of pixels by setting a new width and height.
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Re: List of missing features (compared to XnView Classic)

Post by B.Douille »

File Export has it's focus on optimization of file size and the result.
The Batch Convert in MP does the same job as Export, except it does not display the file size before/after. Adding this info would close the gap and be great for a comparison whatever the actions.
"Save as" is a standard, basic feature and should be kept anyway.
Adjust DPI and resize are two different functions
Adjust DPI is done through the resize dialog. Deselect the option "Resample" keeps the original resolution and allows to change either the DPI or the target print size. The "DPI adjust" is currently not in MP. For me, no need to add it.
Improvement suggestion: In the resize dialog, the drop-down list suggest standard pixel sizes and also standard print sizes. It would be nice to have only the right parameters changed (only dpi for print size and only resolution for pixel x/y, both for %).

These 2 improvements could be discussed in a specific topic.

Daniel, promoting XnView since 2004, moved to MP (exclusively) years ago (Platform Windows and Linux Ubuntu)
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Re: List of missing features (compared to XnView Classic)

Post by helmut »

B.Douille wrote:The Batch Convert in MP does the same job as Export, except it does not display the file size before/after. Adding this info would close the gap and be great for a comparison whatever the actions.
"Save as" is a standard, basic feature and should be kept anyway.
Hmm, adding the file size might help a bit, but it would probably be complicated because file size would need to be calculated after applying all the batch transformations. And most of all I have the feeling that Batch convert is used by more sophisticated users while File > Export is pretty clear what it does. So even if File > Export seems to be redundant I'd rather keep it.
B.Douille wrote:
Adjust DPI and resize are two different functions
Adjust DPI is done through the resize dialog. Deselect the option "Resample" keeps the original resolution and allows to change either the DPI or the target print size. The "DPI adjust" is currently not in MP. For me, no need to add it.
Improvement suggestion: In the resize dialog, the drop-down list suggest standard pixel sizes and also standard print sizes. It would be nice to have only the right parameters changed (only dpi for print size and only resolution for pixel x/y, both for %).
I agree. From what I remember XnView is the only application that has two dialogs for this. This is rather misleading than helpful.
These 2 improvements could be discussed in a specific topic.
For now, one topic is o.k.. If discussion do get too lengthy I'll split off the appropriate posts
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Re: List of missing features (compared to XnView Classic)

Post by B.Douille »

Fine for me Helmut
Daniel, promoting XnView since 2004, moved to MP (exclusively) years ago (Platform Windows and Linux Ubuntu)
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Re: List of missing features (compared to XnView Classic)

Post by Gérard 91 »

Some other Missing features MP/ 1.99:
  • files properties in the left explorer panel missing
  • moving a file ( drag and drop the thumbnail) to an other directory impossible
  • Metadata import from a text file (*) not implemented
  • Possibility to force renaming to use F2, not implemented
  • Disabling the full screen (F11) requires clicking in the full view (when two screen displaying) before activating F11, otherwise it doesn't work.
Kind regards

(*) I' ll post soon here more information about metadata (sorry in french first, my english is a bit painful. If interested I can try to translate with Google tool's help)
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Re: List of missing features (compared to XnView Classic)

Post by gussoner »


here are some details :

- create a new folder on a ALT+C
- format options on a "save as"
- view the EXIF on thumbnail