Windows11 (24H2), display resolution 3840x2160, win scaling 150%
General - Info
'Default' Info preset looks a bit outdated
- add new or update existing 'Default' Info preset
- move to the Bottom-Left and use 'Stretch horizontally'
- use table structure
- A
Code: Select all
<style>.label {white-space:nowrap;color:rgb(184,184,184)} .value {word-wrap:break-word; white-space:pre-wrap} .accent {color:rgb(169, 169, 169)}</style><table table-layout=fixed width=100% height=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5><tr><td width=60 align=right>{File Index}</td><td colspan=5 class=value><b><font size=4>{Filename}</font></b></td></tr><tr><td align=right class=label>Type W<span class=accent>x</span>H DPI Size Taken</td><td width=200 class=value>{File Type} {EXIF:Colour space} {Width}<span class=accent>x</span>{Height}<span class=accent>x</span>{Bpp} <span class=accent>(</span>{RatioD}<span class=accent>)</span> {DPI-X}<span class=accent>x</span>{DPI-Y} {Size KB} <span class=accent>KiB</span> {EXIF:Date Taken}</td><td width=60 align=right class=label>Exposure Focal Length ISO Camera Lens</td><td width=200 class=value>(({EXIF:Exposure Time} <span class=accent>sec at f/</span>{EXIF:F-Number} <span class=accent>(</span>{EXIF:Exposure Bias} <span class=accent>EV)</span> {EXIF:Focal Length} {EXIF:ISO Value} {EXIF:Model} {EXIF:Make} {EXIF:Lens Model} {EXIF:Lens Make}))</td><td width=60 align=right class=label>Tag Rating Color label Description Comment Categories</td><td class=value>(({Tag status} {Rating Nb} {Rating} {Color label Nb} {Color label} {EXIF:Image Description} {EXIF:User Comment} {Categories}))</td></tr></table>
- B
Code: Select all
<style>.label {white-space:nowrap;color:rgb(184,184,184)} .value {word-wrap:break-word; white-space:pre-wrap} .accent {color:rgb(169, 169, 169)}</style><table table-layout=fixed width=100% height=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5><tr><td width=60 align=right>{File Index}</td><td colspan=7 class=value><b><font size=4>{Filename}</font></b></td></tr><tr><td align=right class=label>Type W<span class=accent>x</span>H DPI Size Taken</td><td width=200 class=value>{File Type} {EXIF:Colour space} {Width}<span class=accent>x</span>{Height}<span class=accent>x</span>{Bpp} <span class=accent>(</span>{RatioD}<span class=accent>)</span> {DPI-X}<span class=accent>x</span>{DPI-Y} {Size KB} <span class=accent>KiB</span> {EXIF:Date Taken}</td><td width=60 align=right class=label>Exposure Focal Length ISO Camera Lens</td><td width=200 class=value>(({EXIF:Exposure Time} <span class=accent>sec at f/</span>{EXIF:F-Number} <span class=accent>(</span>{EXIF:Exposure Bias} <span class=accent>EV)</span> {EXIF:Focal Length} {EXIF:ISO Value} {EXIF:Model} {EXIF:Make} {EXIF:Lens Model} {EXIF:Lens Make}))</td><td width=60 align=right class=label>Tag Rating Color label</td><td width=150 class=value>(({Tag status} {Rating Nb} {Rating} {Color label Nb} {Color label}))</td><td width=60 align=right class=label>Description Comment Categories</td><td class=value>(({EXIF:Image Description} {EXIF:User Comment} {Categories}))</td></tr></table>
Note: Qt uses weird mix of plain text + html tags wrote: An important thing to remember is that the "HTML" used in Qt standard widgets is not intended in the common (and modern) sense: the only way to get a reliable HTML representation in Qt as it would be in a standard web browser is through the QtWebEngine module (usually with QWebEngineView).
Apart from that, all Qt widgets[1] that can display formatted text use the QTextDocument API, which supports only a limited subset of HTML (based on the HTML 4.01 specification) and CSS (based on the CSS 2.1 specification). If you're old enough, you can imagine its support similar to a standard webpage while browsing in year 2000.
The "based on" concept is of utmost importance: the HTML content is parsed and translated to a QTextDocument structure, which doesn't provide the full support of the above official specifications: for instance, you cannot use frames (so, not quite "year 2000"...) or iframes.
In fact, if you try to retrieve again the html of the widget, you will not get the same HTML content as the source you originally used[2]. - A
- issues
- fixed -
1.7.1 - viewer - info - wrong Info for new image (1.8.1)
- suggestions
Info - tag - improve Categories, IPTC:Keywords, IPTC:Sup. Category
StatusBar - viewer - add color mode/profile
Info - preset - update default (current post)
App UI - viewer - overlay tools appearance consistency
- done -
Info - tag - remove number from Rating and Color label (1.8.6)
Info - tag - add Image Y DPI (1.8.4)
Info - tag - add universal Image ratio (1.6.0)
Settings - view - rearrange Info controls (1.6.0)
Browser - fix Tooltip (1.5.3)
Settings - view - rework info tab (1.4.0)