Windows11 (22H2), display resolution 3840x2160, win scaling 150%
Browser - favourites
its possible to show subfolders via favShowFiles=true flag in xnview.ini
however, it is inconvenient and naming is confusing
Suggestion A
fix flag name, either:
- rename it to favShowSubfolders OR
- add new favShowSubfolders flag and ingnore old one
Suggestion B
add GUI settings to change this flag, via
- new group in Settings OR
- (preferable) new item in context menu on empty space
Suggestion C
add "Sort by name" to the same context menu (same as in XnView Classic)
- suggestions
Browser - favourites - add Sort by name
Browser - favourites - fix favShowFiles (current post)
Browser - favourites - allow drag to root level
Browser - categories - allow drag to root level
Favourites Menu functionality by Brother Gabriel-Marie