Option to (not) save last used "Order By"

Ideas for improvements and requests for new features in XnView MP

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Option to (not) save last used "Order By"

Post by deil »

The issue is, I often switch to "by Date" order when browsing few specific folders, but when I open XnView I always need the default "by Name" sorting, so I have to switch it every single time.
Another scenario would be, I used sorting "by Date", then closed the XnView. Later I got a bunch of image files with numbered names (e.g. 1.jpg, 2.jpg, ... 10.jpg), I open the first one (1.jpg) directly from the Windows browser, it opens in XnView viewer, but when I use mouse wheel to scroll through them, XnView scrolls through them in approximately this order: 1.jpg, 8.jpg, 4.jpg, 9.jpg, the end. Because it still uses sorting "by Date". So I have to switch to browser mode, reset the sorting to default order, and then open the first file again.

An option to reset "Order By" on exit would be really helpful. Something similar exists for tags now.
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