Windows11 (23H2), display resolution 3840x2160, win scaling 150%
Categories - shortcut
it is not possible to unassign Category from image(s) via Category's shortcut, which is inconvenient
- add functionality to unassign Category from selected files via Category's shortcut
logic for multiple selected files can be:- simple (same as with tags)
☐☐ → ☑☑
☐☑ → ☑☑
☑☑ → ☐☐
- complex
so you can return to the initial state in 2nd case (until files are deselected)
☐☐ → ☑☑
☐☑ → ☑☑ → ☐☐ → ☐☑
☑☑ → ☐☐
how 2nd case will look/behave in Categories pane
⊟ → ☑ → ☐ → ⊟
- simple (same as with tags)