Hey! A simple way to be able to open file in Windows Explorer with file selected.
The script: https://pastebin.com/raw/3FMkVQKA (please, could some trusted user review it and assure people it's safe? It's very simple, so it won't take you much time)
1. Open script webpage, save file with vbs extension (wherever you want, it will be a title of the item in menu. Let's say it will be c:\scripts\openWithExplorer.vbs).
2. Open XnViewMP, go to menu File, then submenu Open with and then choose "Configure programs" (the bottom of the menu)
3. Click on "Add" button
4. Select the script - note that due default filter (only exe and bat files) it won't be visible. You may enter path by name (or filename if you are already in proper directory) or write *.vbs (or * for all files) in the "file name" edit field and then press enter. Then click Open in file select dialog.
5. Confirm it by clicking OK in Configure programs dialog.
6. Go back to the Open with menu to see which shortcut it has.
The problem:
Note that due to bug in some Windows versions it won't work - usually the first time, as it has something to do with creating thumbnails in explorer (next run works fine). Sometimes it's not selected, usually just not focused (selected, but outside visible portion of the window). For the latter case the fastest way is to press on the keyboard arrow up and then down. Or right and left. Whatever, it's just "switch to file on the right, then left", so we are back to the file, but with focus.
[MP+Windows] Open in Explorer with file selected
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