0.88: browser tab menu lost

Older bugs which are supposed to be fixed in 0.84. *** Please try to reproduce your bug and confirm the bug fix. ***

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0.88: browser tab menu lost

Post by dietmar »

XnView: MP 0.88 - Linux 64-bit
OS: Ubuntu 16.04

Effect: browser tab menu lost after image view

If you open any image and close the image window, the browser tab loses its menu.

To reproduce:
1. Open MP with just the browser tab open. Check that the menu is there.
2. Double-click on any image to open it in an image tab. The menu changes to the image menu.
3. Close the image tab to return to the browser tab.
4. The menu is gone.
Actual behaviour (bug): Browser menu is lost and will not open again until XnView is restarted.

Expected behaviour: Menu should be available ;-)
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Re: 0.88: browser tab menu lost

Post by xnview »

:bugconfirmed: Thanks to your detailed description I can reproduce the problem.