Windows11 (24H2), display resolution 3840x2160, win scaling 150%
Viewer/Browser(Preview) - png - tRNS transparency
png transparency via tRNS chunk (aka 'cheap alpha') turns out to be a bit more complicated
Issue A
test images 3, 6 are rendered w/o transparency (Viewer/Browser thumbnails, preview)
Issue B
state of transparency controls (enabled/disabled) needs to be adjusted (in Viewer > View menu)
Issue C
the following transparency controls do not work when some antialiasing filters are applied (eg zoom>100%):
- Use transparency index
- Use alpha channel
- Show alpha
ref ... ch08.div.5 ... C.Anc-trns
- issues
1.8.2 - view - png - tRNS transparency - viewing issues (current post)
- todo -
1.7.1 - viewer - high zoom quality - border at the edge of transparent png
- fixed -
1.8.0 - viewer - change color depth - 32bit result when converting 8 to 24 (1.8.1)
1.6.5 - view - transparent index visible when zooming (1.8.1)
1.7.2 - viewer - Show alpha became disabled (1.8.0)
1.4.0 - viewer / batch convert - Change color depth to 8bit + Filter = mess (feature)