** English - English (=Master)

Translation of On-Screen texts of XnView MP and XnConvert

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Re: ** English - English

Post by vommie »

I have suggestion due to the "Dual monitor: Use second monitor" text in Options --> View --> Fullscreen.

As I use XnViewMP itself on the second monitor, the media get's displayed in fullscreen on the primary/first monitor, if I select this option. So the "second" string is wrong. Better could be "Dual monitor: Use other monitor" or something.
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

Throughout the English translation, there are all kinds of wordings for rotating:

-90° to the left
90° to the right

180° left
90° left
90° right
180° right

Rotate counter clockwise
Rotate clockwise
Rotate 180°

EXIF thumbnail - Rotate 270°
EXIF thumbnail - Rotate 90°

I think that we should unify the wording, here. My suggestion:
Rotate -90° (counter-clockwise)
Rotate 180°
Rotate +90° (clockwise)

The word "Rotate" can be left out if the context is clear.

For thumbnail rotate, it is:
EXIF thumbnail - Rotate -90° (counter-clockwise)
EXIF thumbnail - Rotate +90° (clockwise)

BTW: Is there a reason why there is no EXIF thumbnail rotation with 180°?
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

Two minor issues in the English translation:

"Line" -> "No."
In Detail view, the column heading of the first column says "Line". I'd suggest to use "No." (for Number) instead of "Line".

JPEG lossless transformations --> Lossless JPEG transformations
From my point of view, there's something wrong in the wording "JPEG-lossless transformation". I think "Lossless JPEG-transformation" would be clearer and fit better.

Feedback from native speakers to the above suggestions would be much appreciated.
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

Some minor issues in the English translation of XnView MP v0.61:

Upper/lower case
Please Wait... -> Please wait...
Close Tab -> Close tab
Close Other Tabs -> Close other tabs
Duplicate Tab -> Duplicate tab

Works only for JPEG, TIFF, PNG output format -> Works only for JPEG, TIFF, PNG output format.
About... -> About (Note: no elipsis because the action is performed right away)
Open the Database Location... -> Open the Database Location (Note: no elipsis because the action is performed right away)
Do you want to save changes to '%1 -> Do you want to save changes to '%1?
English (en) -> English [en] (Note: notation similar to other languages)

Camera RAW -> Camera Raw (Note: Raw is not an abbreviation)
Zoomed selection -> Zoom selection
Make backup, please Wait... -> Creating backup, please wait...
Upgrade database, please Wait... -> Upgrading database, please wait...
Build database entries... -> Building database entries...
Authenticated failed: -> Authentication failed:
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

Dialog "Grid":
Save script -> 'Save grid' or 'Save grid definition' or 'Save defined grid' (probably wrong in all languages)
Remove script from list -> 'Remove selected grid definition' (probably wrong in all languages)
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

XnView 0.75 beta:
"Click to change between width of thumbnail and number of thumbnails per column" --> "Click to change between width of thumbnail and number of thumbnails per row" (Probably wrong in all languages)

"Number" -> "Cipher"

"Categories tree is correclty imported in XnView category" --> "Categories tree is correctly imported in XnView category"

"move to next photo" -> "move to next image"
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Re: ** English - English

Post by xnview »

helmut wrote: "Number" -> "Cipher"
It's more a number than a cipher, no?
"move to next photo" -> "move to next image"
photo is incorrect??
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

xnview wrote:
helmut wrote: "Number" -> "Cipher"
It's more a number than a cipher, no?
It says "Character". The numeric pendant would be "Cipher", I think.
xnview wrote:
helmut wrote:"move to next photo" -> "move to next image"
photo is incorrect??
Throughout XnView we speak of images; not photos. So I think it should be "Move to next image". Or does XnView MP move to the next photo (jpg) and not the next image (jpg, png, bmp, ...)?
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

@Native speakers: Is it "Categories Set" or "Category Set"?
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XnView 0.75 beta

Post by helmut »

Some more suggestions for XnView MP 0.75 beta:

I've used XnView MP 0.75 beta a bit more and found various inconsistencies and possible improvements in the English translation. Since most translators use the English translation as a basis, probably all translations will be affected.

- "Keyword" > "Category"
In XnView you can assign categories to images. Formerly, these categories were named keywords. But now that we have "category sets", the term "keywords" does no longer make sense. I might be wrong, but atm think that all occurrences of "keyword" should be replaced with "category" (and "keywords" to "categories").

- Category: "Edit..." > "Properties..."
Currently, if you "Edit..." a category, the keyword properties dialog opens up. I think it should rather say "Properties..." because you open the dialog with the properties of this category.

- "Categories tree is correclty imported in XnView category" > Category tree was successfully imported in XnView's Category DB.

- "New category" > "New top category"
When using "New category" a new top category will be created. I think this is a bug and I'd expect a new category on the same category level. If this is supposed to be a feature, the menu item should be renamed to "New top category".
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

Some suggestions from forum user herb for XnView MP 0.79 (probably still applies for 0.83):
(3) in "Edit IPTC-IIM/XMP" dialog:
"Are you sure to overwrite IPTC data for ALL files?" should be changed to "Are you sure to overwrite IPTC and XMP data of all files?"
Reason: Both IPTC and XMP data is changed.

(4) in Tools > Settings > Metadata:
"Export DB Category to XMP Subject and IPTC Keyword" should be changed "Export DB Category to IPTC and XMP data"
Reason: Several IPTC and XMP fields are changed, not just subject and keyword)

And various suggestions from my side:
DlgConvertAutoDeskew > ???
Filename.xmp --> <filename>.xmp
Filename.extension.xmp --> <filename>.<extension>.xmp
Edit GPS... --> Edit GPS data...
IPTC - Keywords&&Categories --> IPTC - Keywords & Categories
Red-Eyes reduction --> Red-Eyes correction (analog to XnView Classic)
Catalog optimization -> Catalog maintenance
Optimize... -> Maintenance... (for catalog)
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

0.83: And even more... Please note that some translations (e.g. "File list") have been around for a very long time and the suggested change may need discussion.

180° --> +180° (rotation angles range from -180° to +180°)
Load file(s), please wait... --> Loading file(s). Please wait...
Add... --> New... (DlgCropSize, standard actions are "New...", "Edit...", "Delete". (Not: "Add...")
ExifTool is not installed in Addon folder! --> ExifTool is not installed in AddOn folder! (Folder is "AddOn")
File extension -> Extension (DlgFileRename, it says "New name" and not "New file name" so it should also say "Extension" and not "File extension")
Rename -> Rename file (DlgFileRename. Title indicates what you do).
Save preset -> Save current settings as new preset (DlgResizeClass. You do not save the preset, you save the current setting as a new preset)
Auto correct --> Auto text correction (With just "Auto correct" one has no idea what is corrected).
File list --> Files (DlgSettingsFileListClass. Here, the user can make settings for the files shown in the browser. The file list is something different.)
File list --> Files (DlgSettings, see above)
Single view for multi-opened files --> Only one view per file
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Re: ** English - English

Post by XnTriq »

I support all of these recent suggestions — including the change from “reduction” to “correction” — but I think it should say “Red-Eye Correction”…
XnTriq ([url=http://newsgroup.xnview.com/viewtopic.php?p=129927#p129927]The little things: Typos, Wording, ...[/url]) wrote:
  • Picture Collection
    Red-Eye Correction
    Plug-In Manager
Thanks, cday.
Grammarly Answers ([url=http://www.grammarly.com/answers/questions/54303]When using the word Collection[/url]) wrote:When you use a noun as an adjective, it should be singular. The noun that it modifies may be singular or plural. One collection of sneakers: a sneaker collection. Two or more collections of sneakers: sneaker collections.
… and “Autocorrection” (or “Text Auto-Correction”).

  • Classic: F12 » View » View
    1. Only one window view opened
    2. No multiple view for same file
    3. Open only one view for multiple files (statup & drag-drop)
  • MP: F12 » Interface » Interface
    1. n/a
    2. Multiple view for same file
    3. Single view for multi-opened files
  • Suggestions for both Classic & MP
    1. Open only one view window
    2. Allow multiple views per file
    3. Open only one view for multiple files (drag & drop)
  • Classic: F12 » General » Operations
    • Only one Instance
  • MP: F12 » General » General
    • One instance of program only
  • Suggestion for both Classic & MP
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

Thanks for your review and confirmation, XnTriq. :-)
XnTriq wrote:... but I think it should say “Red-Eye Correction”…
XnTriq wrote:… and “Autocorrection” (or “Text Auto-Correction”).
The important bit is "Text". So perhaps "AutoText" would be short and clear.
XnTriq wrote:
  • Suggestions for both Classic & MP
    1. Open only one view window
    2. Allow multiple views per file
    3. Open only one view per file ???
Yes, wording in XnView Classic and MP should be made compact and precise and and unified. Perhaps even better (but I must say that I'm not very familiar with these options):
  1. Open only one view/tab/window
  2. Allow multiple views/tabs per file
XnTriq wrote:
  • Classic: F12 » General » Operations
    • Only one Instance
  • MP: F12 » General » General
    • One instance of program only
  • Suggestion for both Classic & MP
Personally, I'd go for "Allow only one XnView instance", here.
Last edited by helmut on Mon Oct 24, 2016 1:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: AutoText added
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Re: ** English - English

Post by XnTriq »

helmut wrote:Personally, I'd go for "Allow only one XnView instance", here.
Yes, “Allow only one instance of XnView” seems to be the best option for an application that consists of a browser and a viewer ;-)
helmut wrote:Perhaps even better (but I must say that I'm not very familiar with these options):
  1. Open only one view/tab/window
  2. Allow multiple views/tabs per file
Right, “tab(s)” makes more sense than “window(s)”.

PS: I finally found out what Open only one view for multiple files (statup & drag-drop) / Single view for multi-opened files does: It tells XnView to open only one view tab even if several files are to be opened at once (via drag & drop or SendTo etc.).