Licensing Question

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Licensing Question

Post by nath »

Hello everyone,

We were wondering about the possibility of using this in a Enterprise Multi-Session VDI environment running Windows 10. Would any of XnView's software be compatible and what sort of licensing would we be using for this sort of setup?

To briefly summarize what sort of environment this is: it would be a server where multiple users sign on and each user has a virtual desktop at their disposal.

Software installed under this sort of environment means that it is installed to the machine and each user is signed on and using the same machine simultaneously.

Since these users are all logged on to the same machine, some software may have issues with multiple users being logged in at the same time using the same program, but some do not. Additionally, the licensing structure may vary and we want to make sure that we are in compliance with the ToS when moving forward there as well.

Thank you very much! :)
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Re: Licensing Question

Post by xnview »

In this case, it's the same licensing as terminal server
User License Key: A Per-User License Key may be purchased for a specific quantity of users (ie. terminal server)