thumbnail question

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thumbnail question

Post by phurm »

I have my image folders set to open in thumbnail view and have set my TIF and JPG associations set to Irfanview so I can get quick views of the files. Generally works fine.

I have just very recently updated to XNViewMP from the older XNView.

I was running a test on about 20 TIF files that are scans of old BW photographs.

I opened XNViewMP, went to the folder with my test files, selected them all then ran a simple batch conversion to convert to 4 level BW. Things were set to save the file names with "result 4" tagged on to the end of the resulting files.

When I go to the folder (which contains both the originals and the "result 4" files), the original files still show the thumbnail but the newly created "result 4" files show the generic red Ifranview icon.

Apparently something about XNViewMP doesn't save thumbnail info or something???

Any ideas about why the thumbnail doesn't show? Did I miss a setting?

BTW, I can open the "result 4" files in Irfanview, resave with the same name, say yes to overwrite and then the thumbnail will be back.

Any thoughts anyone?
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Re: thumbnail question

Post by xnview »

The thumbnails in windows explorer? JPEG?
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Re: thumbnail question

Post by phurm »

As stated, the originals are TIFs and when I do the edit and resave in Irfanview I do resave as TIF also.

The problem shows when I double click my folder icon to view the folder contents. I have the view set to display thumbnails and the newly created files are the ones that do not display a view of the file's picture, they display the Irfanview "red cat" icon instead.


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Re: thumbnail question

Post by phurm »

I just did a quick experiment to check on something I thought of overnight.

The newly created XNViewMP file size is 223 KB. After I open then resave in Irfanview the file size is 306 KB.

This would seem to confirm a thought I had that XN is not including a thumbnail image as part of the TIF file it creates.

Can anyone confirm that thought?

If that is the problem, is there a setting anywhere that can be changed to make XN include the thumbnail or am I stuck without one? If stuck, I will probably have to abandon XN for the current task which I would perfer not to do.

Remember too that I am doing a batch convert on the XN side in case that changes where any settings would be.


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Re: thumbnail question

Post by xnview »

could you send me the file and the resaved file?
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Re: thumbnail question

Post by phurm »

I will be glad to. What is the best way to get them to you, direct email (would need address) or what??

I will also make some notes about the steps and software versions.


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Re: thumbnail question

Post by xnview »

contact at xnview dot com