For this I do the following steps under XnView classic: (a) I take a screeenshot using XnView, then (b) select an area of the shot by drawing a regtangle (but without cropping), the (c) do a CRTL C which copies the image in the rectangle which (d) I then repaste in a document of a different application (Word, Powerpoint etc.). This process ist fast and very efficient.
When I do the same in XnView MP it does not seem to work: Here (a) capturing a screenshot is not problem, (b) drawing a selection rectangle of the shot seems to work as well (but is different in apperance : everything outside the rectangle appears grey); I can also do CRTL C for copying my selection, but (d) when I then try to paste my selection via CTRL V in my Word or Powerpoint document, I get queer messages about format problems and I see nothing pasted.
For me it looks as if XnView Clasisc and XnView MP differ, and a useful functionality is no longer supported by XnView MP. Or did I do something wrong in XnView MP I am not yet too familiar with ?
Anybody has experienced this problem as well and can offer a solution ? Thanks for helping me out.
For the time being I'm reverting back to XnView Classic.
