Can the size of the mouse pointer be changed?

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Can the size of the mouse pointer be changed?

Post by wandro »

XnViewMP on Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon: The mouse pointer is extremely small and can hardly be recognized. Can it be changed to a much bigger size?

Why doesn't XnViewMP simply use the standard mouse pointer of the operating system?
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Re: Can the size of the mouse pointer be changed?

Post by xnview »

XnView MP use standard mouse pointer
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Re: Can the size of the mouse pointer be changed?

Post by wandro »

OK, but on my Linux Mint platform XnViewMP uses a very tiny mouse pointer of its own. How can I cause XnViewMP there to use the default mouse pointer?
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Re: Can the size of the mouse pointer be changed?

Post by wandro »

In the meantime a user of the Linux Mint forum has pointed out that some apps might have originally been written for a platform using a different window manager (e.g. KDE) and that this might be the reason for the mouse pointer problem.

In a similar case, concerning a font size in the VLC app however, he could solve the problem by changing the QT5 settings. But I unfortunately couldn't find a mouse pointer setting there.

(VLC also uses a very tiny mouse pointer on Linux Mint.)