** English - English (=Master)

Translation of On-Screen texts of XnView MP and XnConvert

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Re: ** English - English

Post by vertigo »

helmut wrote:Below please find various suggestions/corrections for the English translation of XnView 0.89 b1.

Please note that I'm not a native speaker - suggestions/corrections for the suggestions/corrections are welcome.

"Create Splitted files, please wait..." -->
"Creating splitted files, please wait..."
Not sure what the usage is here, as I couldn't find anything in any of the menus for splitting files, but I would suggest one of the following:

"Creating split files, please wait..." OR "Splitting files, please wait..."
helmut wrote:"Please visit the wiki for more information." -->
"Please visit the XnView Wiki for more information."
Maybe have a link to the wiki here. Also, wiki shouldn't be capitalized here (i.e. wiki, not Wiki).
helmut wrote:"Curves" -->
Brilliance and RGB (Curves)
Again, not sure what this is referencing, but brilliance is an uncommon word with an unclear meaning. I would suggest replacing it with "brightness" or some other word that's more specific to what it's referencing.
helmut wrote:"Save script" -->
Save grid
Not sure what's being saved here, but I can't think of what could be referred to as a script and a grid. I wonder if one of those words isn't the right choice.
helmut wrote:"Categories tree is correclty imported in XnView category" -->
Category tree was successfully imported into XnView categories"
Looks good to me, though you could drop "was" and it would work just as well if not a bit better.
helmut wrote:"View all icon file's as snapshot" -->
View all icon files as snapshot"
View all icon files as snapshots
helmut wrote:"Rebuild embedded thumbnail" -->
Rebuild embedded EXIF thumbnail
Looks good
helmut wrote:<location filename="InfoCategoryView.cpp" line="987">
"Edit..." -->
No clue on this one...
helmut wrote:"Reset XY (Not fit)" -->
"Reset XY (No fit)"
Looks good
helmut wrote:"Click to change between width of thumbnail and number of thumbnails per column" -->
"Click to switch thumbnail control: Width or number per column"
Maybe "view" or "size" or "layout" instead of control. Also maybe "toggle" instead of "switch."
helmut wrote:"Path to destination does not exist." -->
Destination path does not exist."
helmut wrote:"Force: Cannot remove destination file." -->
If you explain where this is and/or what it's trying to say, I can help. It looks to me like a message when trying to delete a file that can't be deleted and possibly asking if the user wants to force the deletion, but I'd rather not guess.
helmut wrote:"This operation can delete some entries from DB which have ratings, colors and/or keywords assigned. Do you want to check for these before?" -->
Maybe "Warning! This [operation] may delete some database entries with assigned [ratings/colors/keywords]. Do you want (or "Would you like") to check for affected entries first?"
[operation] = optional word, can also be replaced with "action"
[ratings/colors/keywords] -> or "with assigned ratings, colors, and/or keywords"
helmut wrote:XnView crash reporter:
"To help us at improving the software and your user experience, you can upload the report file or send it at contact@xnview.com." -->
"To help us in improving the software and your user experience, you can upload the report file or send it to contact@xnview.com."
Good, but perhaps "To help improve XnViewMP, please upload the report file or send it to contact@xnview.com."
- You can of course keep the "and your user experience part," but it's redundant and unnecessary. If you do keep it, I would at least suggest just saying "and your experience." Remember, most users aren't going to want to go through the trouble of submitting a crash report, and may be frustrated that it crashed, so you want to minimize the time and effort required by condensing the text they need to read and making it very easy to do.
- I'd recommend having a link or button to upload the file and make the email address a mailto link.
helmut wrote:"Note: this email box is used only for this matter and we don't answer to question ask through this email. Our support is done through contact page available at ..." -->
"Note: This email box is used for technical crash reports, only, and we don't answer to questions sent to this email box. You can contact our support via the contact page available at ..."
"Note: This email is used for technical crash reports only and we don't answer questions sent to it. You can contact our support via the contact page at..."

OR reworded:

"Note: This email is [used] for crash reports only and messages sent to it will not receive a reply. For support, please use the contact page [located] at..."
[used],[located] = optional, can easily drop
helmut wrote:"(Your email is important if I need to contact you)" -->
"(Your email is important if we need to contact you)"
Good. Maybe "Your email is important in case we need to contact you [for additional information]."
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Re: ** English - English

Post by XnTriq »

vertigo wrote:
helmut wrote:Below please find various suggestions/corrections for the English translation of XnView 0.89 b1.

Please note that I'm not a native speaker - suggestions/corrections for the suggestions/corrections are welcome.

"Create Splitted files, please wait..." -->
"Creating splitted files, please wait..."
Not sure what the usage is here, as I couldn't find anything in any of the menus for splitting files, but I would suggest one of the following:

"Creating split files, please wait..." OR "Splitting files, please wait..."
I'd go for “Splitting image(s), please wait...”
vertigo wrote:
helmut wrote:"Please visit the wiki for more information." -->
"Please visit the XnView Wiki for more information."
Maybe have a link to the wiki here. Also, wiki shouldn't be capitalized here (i.e. wiki, not Wiki).
vertigo wrote:
helmut wrote:"Curves" -->
Brilliance and RGB (Curves)
Again, not sure what this is referencing, but brilliance is an uncommon word with an unclear meaning. I would suggest replacing it with "brightness" or some other word that's more specific to what it's referencing.
Curves” and “Levels” are the terms commonly used (Photoshop, GIMP, YouNameIt) for these adjustment tools.
vertigo wrote:
helmut wrote:"Save script" -->
Save grid
Not sure what's being saved here, but I can't think of what could be referred to as a script and a grid. I wonder if one of those words isn't the right choice.
“Save as preset”?
vertigo wrote:
helmut wrote:"Categories tree is correclty imported in XnView category" -->
Category tree was successfully imported into XnView categories"
Looks good to me, though you could drop "was" and it would work just as well if not a bit better.
helmut wrote:"View all icon file's as snapshot" -->
View all icon files as snapshot"
View all icon files as snapshots
helmut wrote:"Rebuild embedded thumbnail" -->
Rebuild embedded EXIF thumbnail
Looks good
Ditto × 3
vertigo wrote:
helmut wrote:"Reset XY (Not fit)" -->
"Reset XY (No fit)"
Looks good
“Reset X/Y (No fit)”
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Re: ** English - English

Post by vertigo »

XnTriq wrote:
vertigo wrote:
helmut wrote:Below please find various suggestions/corrections for the English translation of XnView 0.89 b1.

Please note that I'm not a native speaker - suggestions/corrections for the suggestions/corrections are welcome.

"Create Splitted files, please wait..." -->
"Creating splitted files, please wait..."
Not sure what the usage is here, as I couldn't find anything in any of the menus for splitting files, but I would suggest one of the following:

"Creating split files, please wait..." OR "Splitting files, please wait..."
I'd go for “Splitting image(s), please wait...”
XnTriq wrote:
vertigo wrote:
helmut wrote:"Please visit the wiki for more information." -->
"Please visit the XnView Wiki for more information."
Maybe have a link to the wiki here. Also, wiki shouldn't be capitalized here (i.e. wiki, not Wiki).
Sorry, I didn't mean here, I meant in that message in the program, so you can click the words "XnView wiki" to be taken there.
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Re: ** English - English

Post by XnTriq »

vertigo wrote:
XnTriq wrote:
vertigo wrote:
Maybe have a link to the wiki here. Also, wiki shouldn't be capitalized here (i.e. wiki, not Wiki).
Sorry, I didn't mean here, I meant in that message in the program, so you can click the words "XnView wiki" to be taken there.
My bad :-) I agree with your suggestion to include a link and wanted to point out that http://wiki.xnview.com/ would be the preferred URL (vs. the somewhat lengthy http://www.xnview.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page).
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Re: ** English - English

Post by vertigo »

XnTriq wrote:
vertigo wrote:
Sorry, I didn't mean here, I meant in that message in the program, so you can click the words "XnView wiki" to be taken there.
My bad :-) I agree with your suggestion to include a link and wanted to point out that http://wiki.xnview.com/ would be the preferred URL (vs. the somewhat lengthy http://www.xnview.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page).
If it's written out as a URL, I definitely agree, but if it's just linked text (i.e. clicking the words "XnView wiki" takes you to the link) it shouldn't matter.
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

Thank you both, vertigo and XnTriq for your comments and suggestions.
helmut wrote:... "Please visit the wiki for more information." -->
"Please visit the XnView Wiki for more information." ...
In the original sentence the word "wiki" links to the appropriate wiki page (the link itself is not part of the visible text). The link is pretty long and I was too slack to retype the long link, here. Sorry for the confusion.

I'll reply to your other comments later.
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

vertigo, XnTriq: Your comments and suggestions make much sense. Below please find an updated complete list with translations from you (vertigo and XnTriq) and me. In the list I've used the following colouring:
Green = We agreed on a wording.
Orange: Under discussion. Other opinions/agreements needed.

"Create Splitted files, please wait..." -->
"Splitting image(s), please wait..."

"Please visit the wiki for more information." -->
"Please visit the XnView wiki for more information." Note: Link to wiki should be maintained.
helmut wrote:"Curves" -->
Hmm, perhaps I'm out of the graphic business for too long. ;-) When speaking of curves I'd rather think of splines than RGB or brilliance curves. Perhaps something like "Curves (RGB & Brilliance)" would make things a bit clearer? But I don't mind keeping "Curves".
helmut wrote:"Save script" -->
"Save current settings as a new preset"
This one is just a tooltip and can be found in View mode > View > Grid settings... "Save as preset" is a good idea. In "Resize" dialog there's pretty much the same functionality. There the tooltip of the button is "Save current settings as a new preset". I think that's a good and clear wording.

"Remove script from list" -->
"Remove selected preset"
This one is new and its context of the previous translation is the same. In "Resize" dialog translation it says "Remove preset". Here I'd add "selected" to make clear that the selected preset is removed.

"Categories tree is correclty imported in XnView category" -->
"Category tree was successfully imported into XnView categories"
helmut wrote:"View all icon file's as snapshot" -->...
Just noticed that in the 0.89 beta 1 the following text is displayed in Settings > View > Misc: "Icon files display as 'Snapshot'"
If activated, several icon files that belong together are displayed as one snapshot. From my perspective the English translation in 0.89 beta 1 is o.k.

"Rebuild embedded thumbnail" -->
"Rebuild embedded EXIF thumbnail"

<location filename="InfoCategoryView.cpp" line="987">
"Edit..." -->

"Reset XY (Not fit)" -->
"Reset X/Y (No fit)"
helmut wrote:"Click to change between width of thumbnail and number of thumbnails per column" -->
This tooltip can be found in browser on the very bottom right toolbar button. When clicking on the toolbar button you change the "meaning" of the slider control: With the slider you either set the thumbnail size or the number of thumbnails per column.
I'd suggest:
"Toggle slider control: thumbnail size [pixel] or thumbnails per column"

"Path to destination does not exist." -->
"Destination path does not exist."

"Force: Cannot remove destination file." -->
"Warning: Cannot remove destination file"According to the translation tool this string is used in the copy dialog. In French it says "Forcer: Impossible de supprimer le fichier de destination.". "Warning" suggested by you (vertigo) is appropriate.

"This operation can delete some entries from DB which have ratings, colors and/or keywords assigned. Do you want to check for these before?" -->
"Warning! This operation may delete some database entries with assigned ratings/colors/keywords. Do you want to check for affected entries first?"

• XnView crash reporter
"To help us at improving the software and your user experience, you can upload the report file or send it at contact@xnview.com." -->
"To help improve XnView MP, please upload the report file or send it to contact@xnview.com."

"Note: this email box is used only for this matter and we don't answer to question ask through this email. Our support is done through contact page available at ..." -->
"Note: This email is used for crash reports only and messages sent to it will not receive a reply. For support, please use the contact page located at..."

"(Your email is important if I need to contact you)" -->
"(Your email is important if we need to contact you)"
Note: Screen estate is very limited therefore the shorter wording with no "in case".
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Re: ** English - English

Post by vertigo »

helmut wrote:
helmut wrote:"Save script" -->
"Save current settings as a new preset"
This one is just a tooltip and can be found in View mode > View > Grid settings... "Save as preset" is a good idea. In "Resize" dialog there's pretty much the same functionality. There the tooltip of the button is "Save current settings as a new preset". I think that's a good and clear wording.
That sounds good to me.
helmut wrote:"Remove script from list" -->
"Remove selected preset"
This one is new and its context of the previous translation is the same. In "Resize" dialog translation it says "Remove preset". Here I'd add "selected" to make clear that the selected preset is removed.
Sounds good.
helmut wrote:"Categories tree is correclty imported in XnView category" -->
"Category tree was successfully imported into XnView categories"
I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I think it would sound better as "Category tree successfully imported..." or "Category tree has been sucessfully imported..." Using "was" here just sounds like it "was" done earlier vs "just now" when the import action was performed. Thoughts XnTriq?
helmut wrote:
helmut wrote:"View all icon file's as snapshot" -->...
Just noticed that in the 0.89 beta 1 the following text is displayed in Settings > View > Misc: "Icon files display as 'Snapshot'"
If activated, several icon files that belong together are displayed as one snapshot. From my perspective the English translation in 0.89 beta 1 is o.k.
Snapshot should still be plural (i.e. "snapshots"), or at least as "snapshot(s)," otherwise it sounds like all files will display as one snapshot. Also, consider rearranging the wording to say "Display icon files as snapshots."
helmut wrote:"Rebuild embedded thumbnail" -->
"Rebuild embedded EXIF thumbnail"
Not sure if this is applicable to a single file or possibly multiple files, but if it can be multiple, then just as with the previous item it should be "thumbnails" or "thumbnail(s)."
helmut wrote:
helmut wrote:"Click to change between width of thumbnail and number of thumbnails per column" -->
This tooltip can be found in browser on the very bottom right toolbar button. When clicking on the toolbar button you change the "meaning" of the slider control: With the slider you either set the thumbnail size or the number of thumbnails per column.
I'd suggest:
"Toggle slider control: thumbnail size [pixel] or thumbnails per column"
What about "Toggle slider function...?" And "[pixel]" should be "[pixels}."
helmut wrote:"Force: Cannot remove destination file." -->
"Warning: Cannot remove destination file"According to the translation tool this string is used in the copy dialog. In French it says "Forcer: Impossible de supprimer le fichier de destination.". "Warning" suggested by you (vertigo) is appropriate.
I'll have to take a look at this and come back to it.
helmut wrote:"(Your email is important if I need to contact you)" -->
"(Your email is important if we need to contact you)"
Note: Screen estate is very limited therefore the shorter wording with no "in case".
Understood. I wonder though, is this text going to be underneath the email text field? Because if it is, then you don't need to specify that it's the email address you're talking about, since it will be obvious, in which case you may want to say something like "Important in case we need additional/further info[rmation]" or even "In case we need more info. We will NOT sell or abuse it." People can be wary about giving their email, so for those less savvy users that may not realize why you're asking I just think it would improve your odds of having them provide it if you explain why you're asking for it and possibly that you won't violate their trust. Just some food for thought...
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Re: ** English - English

Post by helmut »

Thank you for your comments, vertigo. ATM, I have the feeling that a wiki page would be good for drafting the translation. But for now let's continue discussions here.


• "Categories tree is correclty imported in XnView category" -->
"Category tree successfully imported into XnView categories"
vertigo wrote:I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I think it would sound better as "Category tree successfully imported..." or "Category tree has been sucessfully imported..." Using "was" here just sounds like it "was" done earlier vs "just now" when the import action was performed. Thoughts XnTriq?
I'm fine with your suggestion and changed it above. Do you also agree, XnTriq?

• "View all icon file's as snapshot" -->
"Display icon files as 'Snapshots'"
vertigo wrote:Snapshot should still be plural (i.e. "snapshots"), or at least as "snapshot(s)," otherwise it sounds like all files will display as one snapshot. Also, consider rearranging the wording to say "Display icon files as snapshots."
You're right; I've changed it above. The description is still not very clear, though. This feature was discussed first in topic Ability to display multipage icons as "Snapshot". In the very first post of that topic the wording for this setting was: "View all multipages in icons as snapshots". I'd suggest a wording like "Display multipage icons as snapshots".. (In XnView often the word "Show" is used; perhaps that would be even better).

• "Rebuild embedded thumbnail" -->
"Rebuild embedded EXIF thumbnail"
vertigo wrote:Not sure if this is applicable to a single file or possibly multiple files, but if it can be multiple, then just as with the previous item it should be "thumbnails" or "thumbnail(s)."
Right, the "thumbnail(s)" would be 100% correct. But using the plural makes things less clear, e.g. "Rebuild embedded EXIF thumbnail(s)" sounds as if there could be several EXIF thumbnails in one image file that are rebuilt. Last not least there are some labels in singular, already, e.g. "Edit comment..." or "Change timestamp...". So I wonder whether all labels should be in singular (as if one file was selected)?

• "Click to change between width of thumbnail and number of thumbnails per column" -->
"Toggle slider function: thumbnail size [pixels] or thumbnails per column"
vertigo wrote:What about "Toggle slider function...?" And "[pixel]" should be "[pixels}."
I agree. I've changed it above.

• "Force: Cannot remove destination file." -->
"Warning: Cannot remove destination file"
vertigo wrote:I'll have to take a look at this and come back to it.

• "(Your email is important if I need to contact you)" -->
"(Your email is important if we need to contact you)"
vertigo wrote:Understood. I wonder though, is this text going to be underneath the email text field? ...
Good point. Perhaps a note underneath the "Email" edittext would be good and consistent.
This is what the dialog of the "XnView Crash reporter" in 0.89b1 looks like:
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.
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Re: ** English - English

Post by vertigo »

helmut wrote:• "View all icon file's as snapshot" -->
"Display icon files as 'Snapshots'"
vertigo wrote:Snapshot should still be plural (i.e. "snapshots"), or at least as "snapshot(s)," otherwise it sounds like all files will display as one snapshot. Also, consider rearranging the wording to say "Display icon files as snapshots."
You're right; I've changed it above. The description is still not very clear, though. This feature was discussed first in topic Ability to display multipage icons as "Snapshot". In the very first post of that topic the wording for this setting was: "View all multipages in icons as snapshots". I'd suggest a wording like "Display multipage icons as snapshots".. (In XnView often the word "Show" is used; perhaps that would be even better).
You know better than me on this one, since I don't even know what this is for. Your suggestion ("Display/Show multipage icons as snapshots") sounds right.
helmut wrote:• "Rebuild embedded thumbnail" -->
"Rebuild embedded EXIF thumbnail"
vertigo wrote:Not sure if this is applicable to a single file or possibly multiple files, but if it can be multiple, then just as with the previous item it should be "thumbnails" or "thumbnail(s)."
Right, the "thumbnail(s)" would be 100% correct. But using the plural makes things less clear, e.g. "Rebuild embedded EXIF thumbnail(s)" sounds as if there could be several EXIF thumbnails in one image file that are rebuilt. Last not least there are some labels in singular, already, e.g. "Edit comment..." or "Change timestamp...". So I wonder whether all labels should be in singular (as if one file was selected)?
The best solution would be to have it change on the fly as to whether it says thumbnail or thumbnails, depending on if one or multiple images are selected. Same with the others ("Edit comment...," etc). Of course, I realize this would likely be a LOT of extra work, and therefore isn't realistic. That's why I like the use of the (s) at the end of the word, so it's clear that it's either a singular or a plural action depending on how many files are selected. This is common usage in many programs, so I think it would be clear to the user. Conversely, I feel like leaving it singular ("Rebuild...thumbnail") could be confusing because it would look like it would rebuild a single thumbnail even when multiple files are selected. I'm sure either way most people would understand, though, so in the end it's probably more a matter of preference than anything.
helmut wrote:• "(Your email is important if I need to contact you)" -->
"(Your email is important if we need to contact you)"
vertigo wrote:Understood. I wonder though, is this text going to be underneath the email text field? ...
Good point. Perhaps a note underneath the "Email" edittext would be good and consistent.
This is what the dialog of the "XnView Crash reporter" in 0.89b1 looks like:crash_reporter.png
It doesn't have to be underneath it necessarily. Where it currently is works perfectly fine. But since it's located where it's clearly referring to the email, as I said before the "Your email is" part can be dropped to provide more room to say something else. You could gain more room by making it two lines, which would fit in the space already there, or by putting it under the email field, which would require making the window slightly bigger vertically and would probably look a bit more crowded. I'd say just play around with it and see what looks best and how you can get whatever you want to say in there.
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Re: ** English - English

Post by XnTriq »

  • Create
    • Join images...
    • Split images...
<edit> cday was first </edit>

helmut wrote:
helmut wrote:"Curves" -->
Hmm, perhaps I'm out of the graphic business for too long. ;-) When speaking of curves I'd rather think of splines than RGB or brilliance curves. Perhaps something like "Curves (RGB & Brilliance)" would make things a bit clearer? But I don't mind keeping "Curves".
If we have to deviate from the standard terminology, “Tone curves” would be my choice. “Curves (Luma & RGB)...” and “Levels (Luma & RGB)...” seem really odd to me.
helmut wrote:
helmut wrote:"Save script" -->
"Save current settings as a new preset"
This one is just a tooltip and can be found in View mode > View > Grid settings... "Save as preset" is a good idea. In "Resize" dialog there's pretty much the same functionality. There the tooltip of the button is "Save current settings as a new preset". I think that's a good and clear wording.
BTW: There are similar tooltips (“Save preset” vs. “Save as preset”) in places like…
  • ToolsSettings...
    • BrowserBrowser
    • ViewInfo
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Re: ** English - English

Post by XnTriq »

vertigo wrote:
helmut wrote:• "View all icon file's as snapshot" -->
"Display icon files as 'Snapshots'"
vertigo wrote:Snapshot should still be plural (i.e. "snapshots"), or at least as "snapshot(s)," otherwise it sounds like all files will display as one snapshot. Also, consider rearranging the wording to say "Display icon files as snapshots."
You're right; I've changed it above. The description is still not very clear, though. This feature was discussed first in topic Ability to display multipage icons as "Snapshot". In the very first post of that topic the wording for this setting was: "View all multipages in icons as snapshots". I'd suggest a wording like "Display multipage icons as snapshots".. (In XnView often the word "Show" is used; perhaps that would be even better).
You know better than me on this one, since I don't even know what this is for. Your suggestion ("Display/Show multipage icons as snapshots") sounds right.
XnView Classic allows us to Enable BMP Animation. This setting is found in ToolsOptions...Read/WriteReadWindows BMP and specifies whether or not vertical “filmstrip” images in BMP format are to be displayed as animations. IMO, Display multi-resolution icons as snapshots also belongs in the format settings.
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Re: ** English - English

Post by cday »

XnTriq wrote:
  • Create
    • Join images...
    • Split images...
<edit> cday was first </edit>
In Join images... "images" must necessarily be plural, but Split... can be applied to a single image, or to multiple selected images...

So should the text be Split image... or Split images... (or Split image(s)... ) ?

When an action can be applied to a single file or to multiple files, isn't singular the norm?
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Re: ** English - English

Post by XnTriq »

cday wrote:In Join images... "images" must necessarily be plural, but Split... can be applied to a single image, or to multiple selected images...

So should the text be Split image... or Split images... (or Split image(s)... ) ?

When an action can be applied to a single file or to multiple files, isn't singular the norm?
Yes, exactly.
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Re: ** English - English

Post by cday »

XnTriq wrote:
cday wrote:In Join images... "images" must necessarily be plural, but Split... can be applied to a single image, or to multiple selected images...

So should the text be Split image... or Split images... (or Split image(s)... ) ?

When an action can be applied to a single file or to multiple files, isn't singular the norm?
Yes, exactly.
In other cases where an action can be applied to a single image, or to multiple selected images, is ... image(s)... used?