ZPaint - Create buttons and shapes (Freeware)

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ZPaint - Create buttons and shapes (Freeware)

Post by StickyNomad »

ZPaint 1.4 - easily create Buttons and shapes

OK, development on this tool has stopped quite some years ago, but it is a great little helper to create nice buttons and shapes. The author is german, but the software is in english.
Zpaint homepage wrote:Forget your button maker! This software for creating 3D-looking elements for websites and software interfaces is much more flexible. Easily paint raised or lowered shapes such as buttons, rings, boxes... or add those effects to existing graphics. Color/texture selection, adjustable extrusion depth, gloss and other effects.
Download page: http://www.steffengerlach.de/freeware/

Screenshot: http://www.steffengerlach.de/freeware/zpshot.jpg