
Hello !
- The actual numeric sorting in the browser doesn't provide a full natural sorting in the case you can see in
that thread.
- It could be improved, but this needs IE 6.0 or > installed, to get the right version of the <SHLWAPI.DLL>, able to do this.
- This DLL
must contain the function
- Then, we can get that full natural sorting
even under Win 98 SE whether there is IE 6.0 at least.
M$ doc is
false about this…
I discovered that when testing Total Commander 6.5, where the feature has been added. Just for the fun, I tried, although it should not work but : Surprise ! It worked very fine !
We had a very interesting discussion, but unfortunately, the TC ß-forum is private, I can't give you the link…

However, maybe could you ask for some info to Ch. Ghisler, and tell him you'ld wish to implement the equivalent of the TC INI entry
From the TC-Tutorial :
* SortUpper=0 / 1 / 2 / 3
* 1 : When sorting files, put files starting with an underscore _ last (1/0)
* 2 :makes a "natural" sorting, ignoring the spaces in file-names, sets the numbers at start / end of names as the usual order like
0, 1, 2, 3, .... 9, 10, 11, and so on, instead the "odd" Win / DOS system (order on the disk)…
* 3 : Like ‹2›, but with a logical sorting too for the special / accented characters as ê - é - è … o - ø - ö…which otherwise are placed at the end of the list with ‹2›
* ‹3› needs Internet Explorer 6.0 or newer installed !
* It works too under Win 98 SE if you have IE 6.0 installed. Found out by chance…
- Currently, we have the equivalent of "
2" in XnView for the browser…
Hoping this could help,

Kind regards,