Shouldn't 'Thumbnails Size' be available under Options only, instead of being listed with all those presets in the Menu>View?
(I extensively use the Thumbnails Cache and therefore seldom modify Thumbnails size)
Is MENU View>Thumbnails Size>presets needed?
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- XnThusiast
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Re: Is MENU View>Thumbnails Size>presets needed?
Often, it's very simple to use menu if you want classic thumbnail size...Olivier_G wrote:Shouldn't 'Thumbnails Size' be available under Options only, instead of being listed with all those presets in the Menu>View?
(I extensively use the Thumbnails Cache and therefore seldom modify Thumbnails size)
- XnThusiast
- Posts: 1423
- Joined: Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:17 pm
- Location: Paris, France
Re: Is MENU View>Thumbnails Size>presets needed?
Ok. I understand (especially with small images and no cache). I just wanted to check that...xnview wrote:Often, it's very simple to use menu if you want classic thumbnail size...
Thank you for your answers, Pierre.
Edit: Closed issue.