Windows11 (22H2), display resolution 3840x2160, win scaling 150%
add copy&paste functionality
Suggestion A - objects within Draw
within Draw dialog
- add functionality to cut, copy and paste objects (eg shapes, text) via CTRL+X/C/V
- add functionality to copy objects by dragging with CTRL
Suggestion B - images from Clipboard
It is not possible to reposition/transform image pasted into XnViewMP.
Adding this functionality to Draw can be an easy solution.
The result of pasting (via CTRL+V) can be the same as adding image via 'Add watermark' tool
- suggestions
Draw - line - add bezier curve
Draw - shapes - add shadow
Draw - text - add resize functionality
Draw - canvas - add resize functionality
Draw - objects - add copy&paste functionality (current post)
Draw - objects - add rotation functionality
Draw - objects - improve modifier keys
Draw - mouse wheel - rework functionality via modifier keys
Draw - shapes - swap controls | resize cursor | color points
- done -
Draw - tools - add shortcuts (1.6.0)