Wrong PDF properties in XnView?

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Re: Wrong PDF properties in XnView?

Post by IxenPDF »

This is a lot of stuff. Thank you for sharing. I will investigate.
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Re: Bug? PDF, properties

Post by cday »

XnTriq wrote:The version of pdfimages that comes with the precompiled Windows binaries of Xpdf unfortunately doesn't support the -list option for reporting the resolution of embedded images :-|]
@XnTriq –- pdfimages.exe with the -list option looks like an interesting utility albeit command line, but could you please confirm where you where you were able to download it?
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Re: Bug? PDF, properties

Post by XnTriq »

cday wrote:pdfimages.exe with the -list option looks like an interesting utility albeit command line, but could you please confirm where you where you were able to download it?
  • Xpdf is an open source viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files. The Xpdf project also includes a PDF text extractor, PDF-to-PostScript converter, and various other utilities.
    • Precompiled binaries: xpdfbin-win-3.04.zip (28/May/2014)
      Note: The included pdfimages.exe does not support the -list option.

      Code: Select all

      pdfimages version 3.04
      Copyright 1996-2014 Glyph & Cog, LLC
      Usage: pdfimages [options] <PDF-file> <image-root>
        -f <int>       : first page to convert
        -l <int>       : last page to convert
        -j             : write JPEG images as JPEG files
        -opw <string>  : owner password (for encrypted files)
        -upw <string>  : user password (for encrypted files)
        -q             : don't print any messages or errors
        -cfg <string>  : configuration file to use in place of .xpdfrc
        -v             : print copyright and version info
        -h             : print usage information
        -help          : print usage information
        --help         : print usage information
        -?             : print usage information
  • Poppler is a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base.
    • Latest binary: poppler-0.51_x86.7z :bug: (23/Jan/2017)
      Note: The included pdfimages.exe does support the -list option.

      Code: Select all

      pdfimages version 0.51.0
      Copyright 2005-2017 The Poppler Developers - http://poppler.freedesktop.org
      Copyright 1996-2011 Glyph & Cog, LLC
      Usage: pdfimages [options] <PDF-file> <image-root>
        -f <int>       : first page to convert
        -l <int>       : last page to convert
        -png           : change the default output format to PNG
        -tiff          : change the default output format to TIFF
        -j             : write JPEG images as JPEG files
        -jp2           : write JPEG2000 images as JP2 files
        -jbig2         : write JBIG2 images as JBIG2 files
        -ccitt         : write CCITT images as CCITT files
        -all           : equivalent to -png -tiff -j -jp2 -jbig2 -ccitt
        -list          : print list of images instead of saving
        -opw <string>  : owner password (for encrypted files)
        -upw <string>  : user password (for encrypted files)
        -p             : include page numbers in output file names
        -q             : don't print any messages or errors
        -v             : print copyright and version info
        -h             : print usage information
        -help          : print usage information
        --help         : print usage information
        -?             : print usage information
      :bug: poppler-0.51_x86.7z is actually not a 7-Zip archive and has to be renamed to poppler-0.51_x86.zip after download.
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Re: Wrong PDF properties in XnView?

Post by IxenPDF »

XnTriq wrote:
[quote="pdfimages.exe -list "Das_erfolgreiche_Bewerbungsgespräch-72 s-w extr 11.pdf""]

Code: Select all

page   num  type   width height color comp bpc  enc interp  object ID x-ppi y-ppi size ratio
   1     0 image     550   851  gray    1   1  ccitt  no         3  0    72    72 12.9K  23%
[color=green]pdfimages.exe -list [/color][url=http://newsgroup.xnview.com/download/file.php?id=3687][color=green]lösch.pdf[/color][/url] wrote:

Code: Select all

page   num  type   width height color comp bpc  enc interp  object ID x-ppi y-ppi size ratio
   1     0 image    2835  2209  gray    1   1  ccitt  no         9  0   300   300 71.9K 9.4%

As I am a windows user, this is the right programme for me.
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much. I was able to run it.
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Re: Wrong PDF properties in XnView?

Post by XnTriq »

IxenPDF wrote:As I am a windows user, this is the right programme for me.
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much. I was able to run it.
Thanks for reporting back, IxenPDF (-:
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Re: Wrong PDF properties in XnView?

Post by cday »

Thanks XnTriq: avast doesn't like pdfinfo.exe for some reason, is it safe to assume it's a false positive?


Also the listing doesn't include the -list option although I downloaded it from the http://blog.alivate.com.au/wp-content/u ... .51_x86.7z link above?? Could there be any connection with that incorrect .7z extension, possibly?? It's not my day!
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Re: Wrong PDF properties in XnView?

Post by XnTriq »

cday wrote:avast doesn't like pdfinfo.exe for some reason, is it safe to assume it's a false positive?
poppler-0.51_x86.7z @ VirusTotal = 0/64
[url=https://scan.kaspersky.com/]Kaspersky Online Scanner[/url] (Scan details for [color=green]pdfimages.exe[/color]) wrote:

Code: Select all

       Scan result | File is safe
         File size | 447.05KB
         File type | PE32/EXE
      Date of scan | 2017-02-24 02:45:07
Bases release date | 2017-02-24 00:37:59 UTC
               MD5 | faa60da231d5736eac6add8c1af84ee2
              SHA1 | 29ba3bb83e2e5374065143209ede6206be7f3190
            SHA256 | eb242f81573726079783743554b8708d42456a8fa9b225a38d73cf9789d5e7db
cday wrote:Also the listing doesn't include the -list option although I downloaded it from the http://blog.alivate.com.au/wp-content/u ... .51_x86.7z link above?? Could there be any connection with that incorrect .7z extension, possibly??
I don't think so. :?
7-Zip v16.02 wrote:X:\poppler-0.51_x86.7z
Can not open the file as [7z] archive
The file is open as [zip] archive

Code: Select all

Folders: 9
Files: 55
Size: 25143457 bytes (23 MB)

SHA256 checksum for data: F72CD0F9A357E8A364D7A5F53E1B2A366E52585DF0C457475F6F69E9E40D3F34
SHA256 checksum for data and names: C41A64DF92544EB8E27AF158A36CD0FF180D4EB3C27A8F125BF59D1E59B5BA3F
[color=green]http://blog.alivate.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/poppler-0.51_x86.7z[/color] wrote:

Code: Select all

01 | \poppler-0.51\bin\AUTHORS                                   |        150 | 23.01.2017 04:08:33
02 | \poppler-0.51\bin\BINARIES                                  |      1'369 | 23.01.2017 04:08:33
03 | \poppler-0.51\bin\COPYING                                   |     18'326 | 23.01.2017 04:08:33
04 | \poppler-0.51\bin\COPYING3                                  |     35'821 | 23.01.2017 04:08:33
05 | \poppler-0.51\bin\README                                    |      2'092 | 23.01.2017 04:08:33
06 | \poppler-0.51\bin\README-XPDF                               |     15'563 | 23.01.2017 04:08:33
07 | \poppler-0.51\bin\TODO                                      |      1'352 | 23.01.2017 04:08:33
08 | \poppler-0.51\bin\freetype6.dll                             |    553'382 | 14.09.2012 21:12:37
09 | \poppler-0.51\bin\jpeg62.dll                                |    127'488 | 15.05.2005 13:08:49
10 | \poppler-0.51\bin\libcairo-2.dll                            |  1'138'880 | 05.03.2015 06:05:55
11 | \poppler-0.51\bin\libexpat-1.dll                            |    440'258 | 02.09.2013 18:36:26
12 | \poppler-0.51\bin\libfontconfig-1.dll                       |    279'059 | 05.02.2010 21:55:06
13 | \poppler-0.51\bin\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll                        |    112'142 | 05.10.2013 18:17:25
14 | \poppler-0.51\bin\libpixman-1-0.dll                         |    538'008 | 21.12.2013 15:27:16
15 | \poppler-0.51\bin\libpng16-16.dll                           |    194'157 | 21.06.2014 10:40:50
16 | \poppler-0.51\bin\libpoppler.dll                            | 10'46'0798 | 23.01.2017 04:06:36
17 | \poppler-0.51\bin\libpoppler-cpp.dll                        |  1'246'945 | 23.01.2017 04:08:22
18 | \poppler-0.51\bin\libstdc++-6.dll                           |  1'000'974 | 05.10.2013 18:17:26
19 | \poppler-0.51\bin\libtiff3.dll                              |    376'832 | 28.03.2006 09:50:11
20 | \poppler-0.51\bin\zlib1.dll                                 |    103'424 | 20.09.2013 14:29:04
21 | \poppler-0.51\bin\pdfdetach.exe                             |    279'791 | 23.01.2017 04:06:40
22 | \poppler-0.51\bin\pdffonts.exe                              |    288'520 | 23.01.2017 04:06:43
23 | \poppler-0.51\bin\pdfimages.exe                             |    457'780 | 23.01.2017 04:06:50
24 | \poppler-0.51\bin\pdfinfo.exe                               |    458'193 | 23.01.2017 04:06:58
25 | \poppler-0.51\bin\pdfseparate.exe                           |    271'229 | 23.01.2017 04:07:01
26 | \poppler-0.51\bin\pdftocairo.exe                            |    925'653 | 23.01.2017 04:07:18
27 | \poppler-0.51\bin\pdftohtml.exe                             |    720'747 | 23.01.2017 04:07:30
28 | \poppler-0.51\bin\pdftoppm.exe                              |    286'431 | 23.01.2017 04:07:34
29 | \poppler-0.51\bin\pdftops.exe                               |    314'242 | 23.01.2017 04:07:39
30 | \poppler-0.51\bin\pdftotext.exe                             |    404'948 | 23.01.2017 04:07:45
31 | \poppler-0.51\bin\pdfunite.exe                              |    366'707 | 23.01.2017 04:07:50
32 | \poppler-0.51\include\poppler\cpp\poppler-document.h        |      4'404 | 24.10.2016 04:00:27
33 | \poppler-0.51\include\poppler\cpp\poppler-embedded-file.h   |      1'520 | 05.03.2015 06:14:17
34 | \poppler-0.51\include\poppler\cpp\poppler-font.h            |      2'092 | 05.03.2015 06:14:17
35 | \poppler-0.51\include\poppler\cpp\poppler-global.h          |      3'310 | 28.05.2015 05:24:38
36 | \poppler-0.51\include\poppler\cpp\poppler-image.h           |      1'872 | 05.03.2015 06:14:17
37 | \poppler-0.51\include\poppler\cpp\poppler-page-renderer.h   |      1'875 | 05.03.2015 06:14:17
38 | \poppler-0.51\include\poppler\cpp\poppler-page-transition.h |      1'899 | 05.03.2015 06:14:17
39 | \poppler-0.51\include\poppler\cpp\poppler-page.h            |      2'113 | 05.03.2015 06:14:17
40 | \poppler-0.51\include\poppler\cpp\poppler-rectangle.h       |      2'034 | 05.03.2015 06:14:17
41 | \poppler-0.51\include\poppler\cpp\poppler-toc.h             |      1'682 | 05.03.2015 06:14:17
42 | \poppler-0.51\include\poppler\cpp\poppler-version.h         |      1'246 | 23.01.2017 04:01:55
43 | \poppler-0.51\lib\libpoppler.dll.a                          |  3'517'368 | 23.01.2017 04:06:34
44 | \poppler-0.51\lib\libpoppler-cpp.dll.a                      |    134'338 | 23.01.2017 04:08:22
45 | \poppler-0.51\share\man\man1\pdfdetach.1                    |      2'328 | 22.03.2016 14:51:56
46 | \poppler-0.51\share\man\man1\pdffonts.1                     |      2'416 | 22.03.2016 14:51:56
47 | \poppler-0.51\share\man\man1\pdfimages.1                    |      6'479 | 14.06.2016 00:33:48
48 | \poppler-0.51\share\man\man1\pdfinfo.1                      |      3'367 | 27.08.2016 07:03:57
49 | \poppler-0.51\share\man\man1\pdfseparate.1                  |      1'594 | 22.03.2016 14:51:56
50 | \poppler-0.51\share\man\man1\pdftocairo.1                   |     10'943 | 14.06.2016 00:33:48
51 | \poppler-0.51\share\man\man1\pdftohtml.1                    |      2'560 | 22.03.2016 14:51:56
52 | \poppler-0.51\share\man\man1\pdftoppm.1                     |      4'469 | 22.03.2016 14:51:56
53 | \poppler-0.51\share\man\man1\pdftops.1                      |      7'607 | 22.03.2016 14:51:56
54 | \poppler-0.51\share\man\man1\pdftotext.1                    |      3'472 | 22.03.2016 14:51:56
55 | \poppler-0.51\share\man\man1\pdfunite.1                     |      1'208 | 22.03.2016 14:51:56
Have you tried flushing your web browser's cache before downloading the archive again?
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Re: Wrong PDF properties in XnView?

Post by IxenPDF »

Not shure if I can help you and understand your problem:
But should pdfinfo.exe provide a -list option? -> pdfimages.exe has a -list option.
Were you trying to use the wrong exe?
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Re: Wrong PDF properties in XnView?

Post by cday »

@XnTriq @IxenPDF :

I've tried again and don't understand the problem:

I downloaded the .7z from this link http://blog.alivate.com.au/wp-content/u ... .51_x86.7z in XnTriq's earlier post;

I used Opera, as I don't know how to clear the Firefox cache :wink: ;

I'm not really into checking checksums, so that would use more time;

I'm extracting using 7-Zip 'Extract Here' [without changing the download extension to .zip first, this time];

I'm testing in a batch file as that's how I usually work;

I'm no longer getting the avast security warning;

I get this result:

Code: Select all

D:\Desktop\PDF_Info_Test>poppler-0.51\bin\pdfinfo.exe -help
pdfinfo version 0.51.0
Copyright 2005-2017 The Poppler Developers - http://poppler.freedesktop.org
Copyright 1996-2011 Glyph & Cog, LLC
Usage: pdfinfo [options] <PDF-file>
  -f <int>             : first page to convert
  -l <int>             : last page to convert
  -box                 : print the page bounding boxes
  -meta                : print the document metadata (XML)
  -js                  : print all JavaScript in the PDF
  -struct              : print the logical document structure (for tagged files)

  -struct-text         : print text contents along with document structure (for
tagged files)
  -isodates            : print the dates in ISO-8601 format
  -rawdates            : print the undecoded date strings directly from the PDF
  -enc <string>        : output text encoding name
  -listenc             : list available encodings
  -opw <string>        : owner password (for encrypted files)
  -upw <string>        : user password (for encrypted files)
  -v                   : print copyright and version info
  -h                   : print usage information
  -help                : print usage information
  --help               : print usage information
  -?                   : print usage information

Press any key to continue . . .
So a different result...

It does look as if I might have the wrong download, but that is the suggested link, isn't it?

No doubt there's a very simple explanation, and it probably isn't that the hosted file has been corrupted since you downloaded it... :wink:

I'd like to find the solution, but it's not that important really, and I can't spend too much time on it at the moment.
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Re: Wrong PDF properties in XnView?

Post by XnTriq »

cday wrote:No doubt there's a very simple explanation, […]
It's pdfimages.exe, not pdfinfo.exe ;-)

Edit regarding checksums: 7-ZipFileCRC*Ctrl+C
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Re: Wrong PDF properties in XnView?

Post by cday »

XnTriq wrote:
cday wrote:No doubt there's a very simple explanation, […]
It's pdfimages.exe, not pdfinfo.exe ;-)

Edit regarding checksums: 7-ZipFileCRC*Ctrl+C
Thanks, there's usually a very simple explanation but it's often very hard to see! :wink: :wink:

But now avast has blocked pdfimages.exe and quarantined it... :(
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Re: Wrong PDF properties in XnView?

Post by IxenPDF »

cday wrote: But now avast has blocked pdfimages.exe and quarantined it... :(
I had the same problem. As I trust to this programme I simply made an exception in avast by writing the path into the exceptions of avast. Please click the animation below:
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.
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Re: Wrong PDF properties in XnView?

Post by cday »

IxenPDF wrote:
cday wrote: But now avast has blocked pdfimages.exe and quarantined it... :(
I had the same problem. As I trust to this programme I simply made an exception in avast by writing the path into the exceptions of avast. Please click the animation below:
Thank you for that useful information, I'll check when I get home... :D

I do know a little German, although it is quite limited considering that I lived there for two years...


My batch file runs without problems on this library computer.